The One Where He Was Pretty

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Chapter Five: The One Where He Was Pretty.

Louis was getting out the shop, ready to go to their lunch break with Zayn. And Liam too but Louis tried hard to ignore him.

Louis specifically said no McDonald's because that feeling tugging at his stomach the other day was actually the fries, and he learnt that the hard way.

As they were walking down the sidewalk, he saw Harry, this time leaning by the window of another shop, and looking down at his feet as if they were the most interesting things he'd ever seen.

It was always so weird not seeing him happy, and smiling and cheerful. That's what he always was, and that was what Louis was used to.

He looked like a lost puppy or a pouting two year old or, or one of those stray kittens that sometimes mewled really cutely, and followed you around and, dammit, Louis couldn't just walk away and leave him there.

He disliked him, yeah, and thought he was strange, yeah, but Louis did have a heart. Surprisingly.

"Hey, maybe we should invite curly over there." He hit Zayn's chest with the back of his hand, the olive skinned boy raising an eyebrow high up at the peculiar question.

"And why would we do that?" He asked, hands digging in his pockets.

"Well, because it's Invite Curlies to Lunch Day. Get with the program, mate." Louis tried to play off coolly as he nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his neck and seeing the skeptic look he got from Zayn. "He seems... lonely."

"Weren't you the one making fun of his blouse like five days ago?" Zayn questioned, now both eyebrows raised and sort of annoyed that they had to waste precious minutes just standing here chatting, when they could be eating. Louis noticed Liam raise his eyebrows too at the statement mentioned but thankfully, didn't get into the conversation.

"Six. And I wasn't making fun, I was pointing out things I've noticed. There's a difference." Louis defended. "But I don't care, I'm inviting him, anyway."

"Okay, what drugs did you smoke lately because Lou, holler at me." Zayn chuckled a little.

All Louis did was roll his eyes and walk past Zayn, taking his time as he approached Harry, who was still so intrigued by his feet.

"Hello." Louis smiled kindly, wondering when the fuck he got so interested in this boy. The boy who gave out flowers and wore pink and who Louis clearly couldn't stop worrying about. Louis let out a breath, rocking back and forth on his heels as he thought over what he was gonna say. "So I was wondering,"

Harry smiled and nodded.

Louis took that as a sign to go on, so he did. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come have lunch with us?" He gestured to Zayn when he said 'us', Zayn shaking his head as if to say he wasn't part of the 'us'. "We're not as scary as we seem, trust me."

It was a poor attempt to ease the awkward tension fogging the air, but it made Harry smile wider. Louis noticed the two dimples on each cheek just then. "It's the tattoos and piercings." He pointed out, Louis chuckling airly.

"We might might have all that but we actually chase kittens around gardens after work. Don't tell no one, though."

Harry shook his head, "Wouldn't want to ruin your bad-boy rep."

"So I do have-"

"Louis could you hurry up? If you're going to take an eternity, lemme know so I could trim my growing beard." Zayn called from behind them, Louis rolling his eyes again, but even harder. Zayn made him do that so well.

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