The One Where He Was Whipped

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Chapter Eighteen: The One Where He Was Whipped

Louis had been awake for some time now. Which was unusual. And he was content, and happy. Which was, also, very unusual.

He wasn't a morning, never had been, but today seemed to be a big exception. The birds chirping outside of Harry's window, that would usually bug the hell out of him, were almost soothing, relaxing. It almost made him want to slide the curtains open, and push open the window just to hear them a little louder.

Louis had been sprawled on the bed, staring at Harry who was still fast asleep on his chest.

He looked absolutely breathtaking, eyelashes neatly set on his pretty cheeks, soft puffs coming from his slightly open mouth. Even though Louis couldn't see his green eyes, he was still so, so beautiful whilst sleeping.

It made his heart hurt of longing, fingers brushing past his cheeks softly. He made sure not to wake him up, as his thumb gently brushed over his soft, pink lips. Why was everything about him so perfect?

Louis was completely awed, because it was impossible.

No one could be so effortlessly magnificent, especially while sleeping. But Harry still seemed to do it so easily.

The boy slowly steered, mumbling soft, inaudible words for no one as he frowned. Louis froze.

He didn't want Harry to find him here when he woke up, creepily watching him sleep. It would just show how whipped Louis already was, and that would be quite embarrassing.

Just as he thought, as Harry grumbled and rolled onto his back, he could feel the boy waking up, his body getting lighter as he yawned.

"Lou," Harry mumbled. His voice was deep, hoarse, coated in sleep and it made Louis smile.

"Hey, love." He whispered, lifting his head up to rest it on his hand, his elbow dug into his pillow. Well, Harry's, but it was on his side. "How'd you sleep?"

Harry hummed, smiling lazily at the boy next to him, and scooted closer to him. "Just fine. And you?"

Louis smiled. "Just fine, as well."

"You woke up awfully early. Not pulling an Edward Cullen on me, I hope." Harry giggled a little.

"Was not." The older boy huffed. "Pfft, you think I'm that whipped."

"Aren't you, though? Shall I remind you of your speech-"

"Harold, don't use that against me." He pretended to scold him, narrowing his eyes at him.

Instead of taking it to heart, much with Louis' relief, Harry giggled and kissed his cheek, lips lingering for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I wanted to make you breakfast, you know. Until you woke up, and ruined it all." Louis rolled his eyes, still having a big grin on his face

Harry covered his mouth, sitting up a little. He had a look of shock plastered on his face, rendering Louis confused. "Louis Tomlinson? Cooking?"

Louis slumped back when he was glad it was nothing serious.

Before he could protest, Harry was rolling onto him with a loud giggle. "You're so whipped."

Louis blushed and nibbled on his lip, his hands resting on either one of Harry's hips, thumbing at the skin softly. "All I wanted to do was make food. For myself to be exact. Then, I thought I could feed you too, so."

"Yeah," Harry nodded, giving Louis a look that showed he was not convinced one bit. "Totally."

"I know your tickle spot, and if you don't shut that pretty mouth up right about now, I literally won't even hesitate." Louis shamelessly warned, laughing a little at the way Harry's mouth slacked open.

"Lou," He whined, hitting his chest like a five year old and pouting. "Don't do this to me. I snort when I get tickled." His bottom lip was jutted out, just taunting Louis.

Louis soon completely turned fond. "I know, oh my god, it's the cutest thing ever." He couldn't help the huge, huge grin on his face.

Harry frowned. "Okay, first of all, Mr, I'm the cutest thing ever," He started, Louis agreeing. "And two, it's so disgusting." He visibly cringed.

Louis shushed him, his lips pressed on Harry's nose softly. "Nothing about you is disgusting, princess. Absolutely nothing."

Louis loved the blush that rose on Harry's cheek, chuckling when he mumbled shyly.

"What was that?"

"Whipped." Harry repeated, chuckling after before he was running out the room.

Louis yelled that he'd get him, throwing the covers off him. He sighed blissfully, taking a minute to get up. He needed to register all this. Register the fact that he had Harry, and that this was all happening, 'cause it all still seemed surreal.


The chestnut haired lad stepped into the shop that day at around noon. There were a handful of customers sitting by the seats, patiently waiting to have their names shouted.

Louis happily greeted the people, going around the counter. Lucky for him, Liam took his shift of the morning, giving him the liberty to come at noon.

He didn't do much since he woke up. He ate breakfast with Harry and had what was supposed to be a thirty minute nap with Harry, but turned into a two hour nap, (Could you blame him, though? Harry still had his pink shorts on, milky skin a perfect contrast. He couldn't resist cuddling the boy)

Saying Louis had a perfect morning would be an understatement.

Louis shoved his phone that he was holding into his back pocket, looking at the names on the clipboard. It wasn't Zayn's handwriting, so Louis guessed it was Liam's.

With a shrug, Louis made his way to the back and into Zayn's studio.

He just about started to ink up a girl's wrist, the loud sound of the buzz coming from the ink jet echoing around the room.

Louis couldn't tell what it was exactly from where he was standing in front of the door, considering it was upside down, and Louis' eyesight wasn't the best.

"Louis," Zayn smiled when he looked up for a second to look at him, then back at his art. "Today must be a good day."

Louis chuckled, leaning against the door frame. "Why do you say?"

"Well. For one, you're talking to me. And two, you're actually wearing different jeans."

The lad looked down at his blue jeans, shrugging his shoulders softly.

"Things change, don't they?" He bit his lip. "Besides, I couldn't ignore you forever. I mean, who can I go to when I need a little," Louis gestured a blunt with his fingers to his mouth, Zayn laughing.

"Very true, very true." The lad replied, pulling away to look at his work. He redid the edges of it, the double infinity looking damn near perfect. It was a little cliché, Louis thought when he saw it, but to each their own.

"I've got quite a lot to tell you." Louis informed, walking deeper into the room.

Zayn told the girl to give him a minute, stepping aside with Louis. She nodded.

"Gossip. Juicy." Zayn wiggled his eyebrows, and laughed. "What is it?"

Louis took a seat next to Zayn, on the spare chair laying around. He sat down with the chair facing the other way, while he faced Zayn. His arms leaned on the back of it.

He was ready to tell him. Everything. From yesterday to this morning. He was hoping Zayn was as supportive as he said he was.

But Louis knew he would be.

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