The One Where He Was In His Bubble

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Chapter Nineteen: The One Where He Was In His Bubble

"Okay, just because we all know about you guys, doesn't mean we're okay with you eating each other's faces."

Louis and Harry pulled away from their small a kiss—it literally lasted a second—their focus now on Niall and the others.

"Leave them alone, it's a miracle they're even together." Zayn said as they walked the short distance to the other end of the parking lot.

They were on their way to a charity concert. Louis wasn't much for those type of things. Usually, they'd have in artists he didn't even know, with music that was mediocre at best. But, now, Louis was actually content with the musical guests. He didn't know all of them, but a handful caught his eye. Some were bands and musicians he listened to back in high school, and some he even still listened to now.

Since the tickets were so cheap, Louis didn't see why he shouldn't go.

It gave him the time to breath in actual pure air and not get cooked up in his flat.

Although Louis absolutely loved watching the rom-com's Harry made them watch, (He watched more of them in a week, than he had his entire life. Admittedly, some did make him cry, but that was only for him to know) Louis also needed to get out.

He could be a lazy person sometimes, but staying in all day, every day just wasn't his cup of tea.

While he was at it, he bought tickets for the boys but as they walked to the reserved area the open concert was going to be in, hearing the boys bicker about his relationship, he probably realized how big of a mistake it was.

He turned to look back at Zayn sharply, squeezing Harry's hand that was in his. "What is that supposed to mean?" He did take offense, not even waiting for his friend to reply to turn around.

"All I'm saying," Zayn said from behind, walking side by side with Niall and Liam, while Harry and Louis led the way. "is that you guys wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for your lovely, faithful, loyal best friends."

Louis hissed, not looking back. "Slow down there, best friend might be an overstatement." He joked, chuckling when he heard three gasp from behind, all sounding as hurt as the other.

"What about all the cries we've shared?" Liam had the back of his hand on his forehead, like the actors in 1950's drama shows.

Niall grabbed Louis' shoulders from behind. "All the laughs we've shared?" He chimed in, just amusing his older friend.

"The nights we've shared?" Zayn finished, zig zagging into Louis' view.

They were only a few seconds from the main front entrance, all the other sides being barricaded. It was a pretty wide area, Louis imagined the amount of people that'd be there and how stuffy it would be.

"Nights?" Harry quirked an eyebrow up, as he looked at Louis.

"You know I only have eyes for you." Louis smiled, making Harry kiss his cheek sweetly.

The five boys flashed their tickets at the guard, and were quickly let it. There were no seats, which meant the audience had to not only deal with overcrowding, but also people trying to push their way to the front.

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