The One Where He Was Perfect, Perfect, Perfect

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Chapter Twenty Two: The One Where He Was Perfect, Perfect, Perfect

Warning: Light smut ahead.


"God, I missed this." Louis mumbled as he let out a puff into the air, the ceiling fan whisking it around until it was nothing.

"You missed us, or us smoking weed?" Zayn asked, looking over at Louis from where he was laid out on the floor, the effect of the drug slowly taking over him. "I'll assume it's the former."

The boy let out an airy laugh, leaning against the edge of the couch, on the floor.

"Why did you need this anyway?"

Louis shrugged, passing the spliff to Zayn as he sighed deeply.

"Figured cigarettes were a dead end." He finally answered, his head lolling to the side to look at his friend, who put out the blunt in an ash tray. There wasn't much left of it anyway.

"Stressed?" Zayn asked.

Another shrug. "Been... a lot has been on my mind. I mean, when is it not the case, but," He winced. Louis didn't even know how to word what he wanted to say properly.

"What is it?" His friend posed another question, kneeling down onto the ground next to Louis. "I may not be great at the whole advice thing but I'm one hell of a listener, I've heard."

Louis smiled. "By who?"

"By me." They both smiled. "Now tell me."

Louis opened his mouth, then closed it, doing that for a few seconds, before groaning. "I don't know." He whispered, his hand running down his face. "I'm... overwhelmed."

Zayn frowned at him. "With?"


"Something happened with you and Harry?"

"No, no. Just–" Louis paused. "I'm still... scared." He said, not knowing any other way to put it. "I feel like I'm falling so hard for him and, I don't know what to do."

"You don't want to fall for him?"

"It's not that... it's just the rate at which it's happening is so quick. And it's so—terrifying. I'm not saying I don't want it to happen, just it's all—this is all so sudden." He huffed, leaning his head back on the couch seat. "There are still some things I'm not ready to do but, he makes it easier, worth the while. He's like my anchor, he keeps me grounded. Safe. It's a nice feeling, you know, feeling so wanted from another human being. Addicting almost."

Zayn smiled. "Seems like Harry makes you quite cheesy, as well." He laughed, earning himself a punch to the shoulder. "Sometimes, you kinda have to let yourself feel things. It might be terrifying but, that's just an obstacle to get over. What expects you on the other side of the battle ground is so much better, and trust me, it'll be worth the fight."

Louis smiled at his friend, looking at the ceiling in thought.

"Let myself feel."


Louis walked into Harry's house close to ten o'clock. When he called for his name, he got no answer. He was nowhere to be found downstairs, either, which led him to check upstairs.

Louis walked the couple steps up the stairs, roaming around only to find his boyfriend in one of the rooms up there, emptying the closet.

He had a red buttoned up flannel on that seemed at least twice his size. It stopped just after his thighs, his long, soft legs following after. He had nothing else on, other than the flannel, making Louis bite his lips gently.

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