The One With The Mistake

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Chapter Thirteen: The One With The Mistake

Louis woke up to a great pounding on his temple, drumming against his head so loud that he could swear he heard it.

His whole body ached. Limbs, head, stomach—he felt like he was thrown off a flight of stairs and another flight of stairs.

As he moved, trying to reach for his phone to check for the time, nausea washed over him like it had never before, rushing him to his bathroom and making him throw up into his toilet bowl.

As he threw up, he could almost taste the alcohol coming back up, remembering the burning of his throat from that night, alluding him to many other memories; Flashing lights, and glistening bodies.

He didn't remember much else from last night except for that. Nothing but greedy hands roaming up and down his shoulder. How many drinks did he have? He wasn't sure. It had to be a handful, maybe a mixture of things, for his hangover to be this bad.

Once he emptied his stomach content, no longer being able to heave any longer because of exhaustion, Louis flushed the toilet and reached for the medicine cabinet, scrambling through the many pills and looking for the ones that could rid him of all this.

He sighed in relief once he did, taking three and swallowing dry.

His eyes scanned over his tired face, looking at himself with a rather disgusting look on his face. He was a fright.

His eye bags were more noticeable than ever, looking like he hadn't slept a day in his life.

He felt like he hadn't.

Three bells went off downstairs, ripping Louis away from the thoughts he always seemed to be in.

He slowly and steadily made his way downstairs, knowing if he went any faster he'd throw up right on his living room floor. Louis was already starting to feel the affects of the medicine, though, definitely feeling better than he did when he woke up.

One positive, at least.

Harry was stood by the door once Louis opened it, seeing him grin brightly at him, his signature grin that reached his eyes. One that showed off his set of teeth and his dimples.

Louis smiled warmly. "Hey, H." He mumbled, leaving the door open for the lad to step in, him walking to the kitchen.

"Did I wake you up?" Louis heard Harry ask from behind him, softly shaking his head.

"What time is it?" Louis murmured, making himself some coffee, not thinking he could stomach food at the moment. Even though his head was feeling better, his body still felt very heavy, as if it were a burden that had been thrown upon him against his own accord. He needed something to boost him up that weren't pills.

"Around two? Woke up a bit late, didn't we. You look a little pale,though, are you okay?" Harry questioned, hopping up on the counter, legs swaying back and forth.

Louis touched his face, then poured the coffee into a large mug, turning around to face Harry. "I might be a little hungover. And by little, I mean a shit ton."

Harry pouted. "Drinking without me, Tommo? Thought we were best buds."

Louis smiled, taking a sip of the bitter coffee he made and making a face. "I wasn't exactly the best last night," He opened one of his cabinets to get the cubes of sugar. "Be glad you weren't there to witness it. I drank so much, everything is almost a giant blur."

He sighed, closing his eyes for a bit. Whatever he forgot couldn't have been that important, or else he wouldn't have forgotten it, right?

"You know what would make me feel better, though?" Louis said once he opened his eyes again, using a spoon to mix the sugar with his coffee. "One of your delicious, delicious chocolate chip pancakes." He wiggled his eyes at Harry, the boy on the counter chuckling slightly.

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