The One Where He Was Everything At Once

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Chapter Seventeen: The One Where He Was Everything At Once

You have to do this, Louis. It's not hard. Just breathe in, breathe out, relax. And get out of the car. Simple. Just get out of the car.

But, somehow, the inner pep talk didn't work. His body wouldn't budge.

Louis urged and urged, but he just wouldn't move.

Fear overtook his whole body.
He was terrified of the consequences, of just... saying it.

The only thing Louis could think about was going back. Turning his car around and disappearing into the night. And he still could.

Don't be such a wimp.

Louis pulled out his phone and dialed a number, leaning back on his seat as he sighed.

"I can't do it." He said once the person on the other end picked up.

Liam cleared his throat. He must've been busy since his background was extremely loud, filled with chattering and music. Maybe at a party. "Louis? What're you talking about?"

"I don't know why I called you, you were there, and I just pressed without thinking, I-"

"No," He cut. "It's fine. What's wrong? What can't you do?"

Louis squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that when he opened them again, all this would be off his shoulder, done and dealt with. That he'd be in his bed, back to day one. The day where he didn't have to deal with all of this.

But he tried that before, and well, it never worked.

"Tell him. I tried taking your advise, but I can't. I've been parked in front of his house for twenty minutes now, and I just cannot do it. I can't muster up the courage, Liam, I can't." Louis frustratedly hit his steering wheel.

"Hey..." Liam sighed through the phone. "It's normal to feel scared, it's human. Acknowledge that first. Then, you need to put that behind you because you're stronger than the fear. Know that doing this is important. For you, for Harry. If you don't do it, you'll just keep hurting, you'll still be carrying the weight. And it must be heavy, right?"

Louis hummed.

"Then, just another reason to do it. Something like this won't beat down Louis Tomlinson, please." Liam finished, and Louis couldn't help but laugh.

"Stroking my ego, nice tactic." He smiled, leaning his head on his rolled up window.

"I do try." Liam laughed on the other end. "I really think you can do it. Don't beat yourself up."

The boy bit the inside of his cheek. "Why are you so nice to me? I've been nothing but a dick to you."

Louis could hear Liam smile.

"That may be true, but we still work together, don't we? We may not be friends, but we're coworkers and that's enough for me."

Louis smiled gratefully. He truly felt touched. "Thank you. Honestly, that means a lot."

"You're welcome. Good luck, alright? Call me later and tell me what happens."

Louis agreed and said goodbye, ending the call. He smiled at his phone for a couple of seconds before he was reaching for the car keys and pulling them out.

He was ready.

Well, as ready as he could tell himself he was.

The walk to the door was short, but every step Louis took, made it seem even shorter.

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