The One Where He Matched His Room Perfectly

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Chapter Seven: The One Where He Matched His Room Perfectly.

"And the thing is, even with the police telling her drunken ass to get up, she still continued to sing Kesha at the top of her lungs—and the scene wouldn't have been half as bad if she had a decent voice, but alas." Louis shook his head, laughing and watching Harry hold his stomach with how much he was laughing as well.

"And that all happened in front of a pub?" Harry questioned, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Louis nodded, chuckling again. "All of it. I don't know whether I'm cursed for witnessing all that or blessed. Either way, it was very entertaining to watch." He smiled, Harry chuckling once again.

Louis didn't know how but he had grown to absolutely love Harry's presence. He loved talking to him— that's all he'd been doing—he loved seeing him laugh, he just loved having him there in general.

It was such a big contrast to his usual friends who made dick jokes then scratched said dick. Harry was literally the epitome of soft and for Louis, it was like taking a small break from Zayn and Niall.

It was all a surprise, really, because not long ago, him and Zayn were calling Harry strange and now here Louis was, absolutely fond-ing over him. Although he'd never admit it.

How did he even get here? That was still a question that kept circling Louis' head, though he chose to shove it to the back of his mind.

Louis looked up, watching the white clouds float around the orange sky as the wind blew past them. He breathed in, taking a whiff of that summer air, before he turned to look back at Harry. "It's getting late. Do you want me to take you home?" He offered.

Harry nodded his head slowly. "Yeah. Someone stole my bus fee again. Must be cursed or something." The lad chuckled as he waved his hand.

Louis raised an eyebrow then reached for the money poking out of Harry's tight jeans. "Yeah, you totally got your bus fee stolen." He hummed, chuckling a little as Harry's face got darker and he snatched the money from Louis' hands.

"Something tells me you love my company, Styles. Or maybe you're just taking advantage of the fact that I have a car. Don't know which one it is." Louis continued to hum as he stood up, pulling out his car keys while Harry stood up too.

"I think it's the first guess." Harry responded, following the older lad to the car.

"Then, in that case, I like your company too." The brunette shot him a smile and with that, they both got into the car, Louis driving off.


"I was wondering if I could spend the evening at your place? Just for dinner. Because I haven't been grocery shopping in ages and I need to eat something else other than fast food or I might end up obese." Louis said once he parked in front of the big house, turning the ignition off and looking at Harry.

Louis just secretly wanted to spend more time with this boy and maybe get to know him even more. He wasn't lying, though, the only thing in his fridge was expired milked, but he also just wanted to be around Harry.

There was just something about this lad Louis simply could not lay his finger on. But again, he ignored that.

Harry widened his eyes, then looked at the building, clearing his throat. "Um... the thing is... I don't live alone." And Louis' heart sunk at that, his smile immediately falling.

"You have a-someone? A girlfriend?" The man choked out, a frown creasing his eyebrows a little as he gripped his steering wheel.

"Girlfriend?" Harry chuckled with a frown on his own face. "What? No, no. I don't have a girlfriend." He chuckled once more, as if Louis said the funniest joke. "I'm not even into them." He heard Harry mumble to himself in the end and it might've been for himself to hear only but Louis heard it too and he bit down on his lip.

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