The One Where The World Ceased To Exist

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Chapter Twenty Six: The One Where The World Ceased To Exist

Where Louis was seated in the empty room on a stool, the sun was rising perfectly on view, the sky a mixture of orange and yellow. It was beautiful, and Louis was so glad he was there to capture the moment.

Louis just started the painting, dabbing the colours on the canvas and moving the brush swiftly with ease. It was relaxing, watching his hand dancing over the canvas, mixing different colours, to get different shades.

He really wondered why he even stopped painting, as he saw the image come to life. It was satisfying seeing his work flourish.

He was so invested in his work, that he didn't even hear the door creak open, loudly, and didn't know of Harry's presence until his hands were around his shoulders. "I knew I'd put this room to use." He whispered, kissing Louis' jaw, and humming softly.

"You're really gonna let me use this room for this stupid thing?" Louis chuckled, reaching down a little for the grey he had made by mixing black and white.

"Stupid?" Harry widened his eyes, looking at the nearly filled up canvas, then back at Louis. "My ass. This is beautiful. Almost better than the actual thing."

Louis chuckled. "Almost?" He said, quickening his strokes, small and big, realizing he was racing with time.

Harry hummed. "I mean, it would've been perfect if I was, like, in the corner or something."

Louis raised an eyebrow. "You think this is the only one I've been working on all day?"

Louis shook his head, hopping off the stool and to the corner of the room, to the large canvas, that was covered in a white sheet. He picked it up, Harry smiling at him curiously.

"It's not much." He warned, turning it around but not taking the sheet off.

"Show me." Harry giggled, stepping closer to him.

"I wanted to make it-"

"Show me, Lou. I bet, whatever it is, it's amazing. Now, show me." Harry laughed, a little impatient as he poked Louis' sides to get him to crack.

Which he did, a small laugh falling from his lips. "Alright, alright." The lad took the sheet covering the painting, lifting it up a little to show Harry.

The boy's jaw dropped to the ground, his large hands covering it.

On the used canvas, was a pretty boy smiling, dimpled cheeks and everything. Louis made sure his eyes weren't a disappointment, and in his opinion, they weren't. The painting perfectly represented his eyes like they were, glowing, holding so much emotion behind it. Although, the hardest part was capturing all of his beauty into one, single frame. That was proven to be impossible.

"It's you, if you hadn't realized." Louis chuckled, watching as Harry stepped closer and took both sides of the painting in his hand.

He seemed at a loss of words, fingers delicately running down the mixture of whites, and browns, and greens.

"This is..." Harry started, but shook his head, eyes lifting up to look at Louis. "This is-" Harry's mouth, that was gaping open one second ago, now twisted upwards into a huge smile that was so contagious, Louis obviously had to return it.

"Any day now, Haz." Louis chuckled, about to add something else when Harry's lips pressed against his own to shut him up.

"Beautiful." He finally finished when he pulled away. "God, Louis this is breathtaking. How-Wha-Wow." Harry shook his head. "I love you."

The words, that so easily fell from Harry's tongue, caught Louis completely off guard.

It left him with his mouth gaping open. It left him with his heart beating a thousand beats a minute, and it left him blinking up at Harry.

"Wh-at?" Louis stuttered, lowering the painting. Harry looked shocked himself, but he nodded his head.

"I love you." He repeated softly, his hands placed carefully on Louis' waist to bring him closer. "I do," He grinned, his forehead on Louis', eyes shut. "So, so much. I love you." The boy pressed small kisses on Louis' lips, his cheeks, his nose, anywhere, and everywhere.

Louis laughed happily, enjoying the web of kisses he was being given.

"It'd be nice if you stopped kissing me for two seconds, so I can speak?" He said, Harry giggling and nodding.

Louis didn't even miss a beat before he was saying, "I love you, too." Softly, as if it was a secret to keep between the two.

The painting laid upright against their legs, both their hands and arms tangling in each other.

As they kissed, and giggled, the world around them ceased to exist, and for a moment, Louis wished it could stay that way forever.

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