The One Where He Didn't Like The New Kid

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Chapter Two: One Where He Didn't Like The New Kid.

"I didn't even know this job required this much information from me.

But, yeah. I'd just like a part time job, something to help pay off my student loans. I'm almost through my second year of uni and I'm neck deep in loans. It really is hell. But I digress-"

Halfway through, Louis was already zoning out, whatever the lad saying going into one ear and out the next. There was a point in the interview where he actually almost nodded off, his head slipping off the hand it was resting on. He didn't try to cover it up, though, just blinked a couple times, then yawned, then continued his drawing of a two headed walrus on the clipboard where he was supposed to be writing information. He didn't write anything.

When the lad remained silent for a good minute, Louis looked up and raised an eyebrow high. "Done?" He questioned, running a hand through his disheveled hair and swooping it to one side.

All he wanted to do at the moment was take a long, hot shower. He had been running late this morning, having over slept and, usually, he didn't care for that kind of stuff since Zayn didn't. Simon, his boss, did, though. A lot, matter of fact, and Louis wasn't too keen on being yelled at at eleven AM.

"Yeah. When will you get back to me?" He asked, Louis looking over his face, his cheeks raising up into a warm smile Louis didn't return.

He seemed a bit too... nice to be working here. And the amount of positive vibe he was giving off gave Louis a headache. He just hated happiness, apparently

"Um. Soon." He lied. "What's your name again?" The chestnut haired boy asked rudely, not even caring how it came off.

"Liam. Liam Payne." He nodded, standing up slowly from where he was sitting in front of Louis, a small IKEA desk separating them. Liam held his hand out politely for Louis to shake—which Louis ignored because this wasn't a real interview and he wasn't one for handshakes.

"'Kay, Liam. We'll let you know soon." Louis lied again.

When it came to hiring, well, Louis just didn't. Zayn encouraged him to get some people, so they could have more hands to help but two was enough. Him and Zayn. It had always been like that, and some church boy was not going to change that.

Liam picked up the pen on the desk and some blank paper, jotting something Louis couldn't see down onto it. "Here's my number." Liam pushed his arm towards Louis, him giving Liam the most fake smile and took the paper as if Liam had some fatal disease at the tip of his fingers.

Liam walked out the small office that was actually Simon's and headed to the front door. Louis followed after him to make his way around to the counter.

As Louis watched Liam make his way towards the door, Harry made his way inside— which was a first— the two bumping into each other, chuckling a little and did that thing you see in the movies where they both moved to the right, laughed, then moved to the left.

Louis was watching with a frown on his face, stashing the clipboard under the front desk.

"Who are these for?" Louis heard Liam ask curiously after settling down from the fit of laughter they shared.

Harry whispered something Louis didn't hear and his frown deepened.

As the third minute rolled by — yes, Louis was keeping track — he cleared his throat annoyingly loud, making the two twist their necks towards him. "This is not a social gathering, you either come in or stay out. I'm not having this whole standing-in-the-middle-of-the-door thing." Louis said, opening up some football magazine, flipping through the pages loudly.

Again, Harry whispered something he couldn't hear but whatever it was, it made Liam smile then nod before walking out the door. Harry himself was smiling from ear to ear and Louis was really curious on what they were talking about to get them smiling like that. But he didn't ask. He didn't care.

Liam left, Harry walking further into the tattoo shop, flower bouquet clutched to his chest and eyes glued to the floor as if it was the most interesting thing to look at ever.

"What do you want?" Louis asked, not really meaning for it so sound harsh, but it did. Harry stuttered a little, walking to the counter with his lip in between his teeth. He was clearly attempting to muster up enough courage to say something.

"Um, could I use the bathroom. Just... for a minute—just to sprinkle some water on the... the petals." he mumbled, looking at said petals and poking at it gently with the tip of his long fingers.

"The bathroom is for customers only." Louis said, his elbows on the counter and looking at Harry through his fringe. He saw him blink at him, then lick over his lips.

"Oh." Harry whispered back, his eyes not really ever leaving the flower petals and it annoyed Louis.

Why couldn't he just freaking talk to him? Louis wasn't that intimidating.

"I was kidding." Louis finally said, sighing exasperatedly at the unresponsive boy.


"Is that all you can say—You know what? Just go." The older lad waved him off. You didn't need him to tell you he was annoyed for you to tell that Louis was. It was all in the eyes.

Louis heard the bathroom door open up then close behind Harry, the faint noise of the tap water going on then off before Harry was trotting out again, his flowers looking much better than they did when he walked in.

"How do you know Liam?" Louis asked before Harry was walking out the shop.

Maybe he cared just a little?

"Oh, well..." Harry replied, turning a little to face Louis. "Um, he was in my old highschool... I kinda used to, uhm—like him." Harry softly smiled once he said that. "Don't even know why I told you that." Louis heard him whisper to himself.

Louis wanted to ask him more questions because he was just really curious and maybe was a little nosy but he left it at that, not uttering another word as he looked through the magazines by the counter, looking for anything interesting.

Harry must've taken the hint that the conversation was over because he left just like that, Louis watching him go through the glass window.



kind of a filler chapter, i guess lmao.

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