The One Where They Both Knew Each Others Names

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Chapter Four: The One Where They Both Knew Each Others Names.

If someone asked Louis why he loved his job, he'd laugh at their face. Because if Louis was being honest, he genuinely hated his job.

Cute girls walk in and out of the shop, you get to do nothing for hours and get paid, what was there not to like? But that was exactly it. Minus the cute girls because, ahem?

Louis hated having to just sit behind a desk and tell people where to go to get inked. He hated having nothing ever to do—He just hated being useless. At least Zayn was always busy, tatting people up and all but Louis just sat around. It was so, so mind numbingly boring.

He would quit if it were up to him, but he needed to pay rent and he couldn't just leave Zayn like that after he had helped him so much in the past.

Louis remembered when he first walked past here, the largest frames sat on the edge of his nose with his book bag hung over his shoulder, when Zayn called him over. He was scared and unsure because he remembered what his Mom told him, "Stranger danger!". So his first instinct was to ignore and flee, but there was something about Zayn back then, even now too actually, that no one could ever resist. Louis just walked towards the lad, even with the fear of getting beaten up—Zayn looked very intimidating—but instead of a punch, Louis got offered a cigarette and a smile. Then when Louis shakily took it, Zayn just laughed and lightly nudged his shoulder.

Zayn had had his back ever since, and it'd be horrible if Louis just abandoned this "business" Zayn wanted to develop. He didn't really own the shop, anyway. Some greasy man that dropped by every two months did but it was like Zayn did own it.

It's not like Louis had to work here forever. Maybe Zayn would want to do something else or maybe he just wouldn't need him anymore. Who knew, to be honest.

But now, as the 24 year old leaned against the counter, Louis hated this job even more because now, Liam was here after his partner forcibly made him hire the bastard.

Liam with his innocent face and already-knowing-Harry-ness and nice-to-everyone-ness and already-knowing-Harry-ness-ness. It was irritating.

Okay, yes, he did help. As much as Louis wouldn't like to admit it, he really did, but he did the things Louis could do on his own. He didn't need his pretentious ass walking around here.

Louis watched him pick up some new boxes of ink and new equipment the owner ordered in, taking it to the back and coming back out to take another box. He rolled his eyes.

When Louis looked out the window to enjoy the nice weather they were having, he rolled his eyes, even more, at who he saw. Could you guess who it was? Hint! He had bright green eyes and had a fucking lilly in his curly hair like the princess he acted like he was. Still don't know who it is? It was Harry-fucking-Styles. Louis stared at the lad from yesterday who was now on the other side of the street instead of in front of the tattoo shop like he used to be.

Louis didn't know why he suddenly got the urge to try to spark up a conversation with him again. He might get shot down, ignored or walked away from but he wasn't really needed here and he could use another break and just—Why the fuck not?

Louis picked up the little sign that said 'be back in ___ minute(s)' and wrote '15' in the gap provided with the marker that he found on the desk. He put it up on the counter and picked up his phone, going around it and out the door.

The warm summer breeze hit his face and blew through his hair as soon as he stepped out and he sighed in content. He loved summer. Or at least, what he had of summer. Especially because he lived in London.

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