The One With The Blast From The Past

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Chapter Twenty One: The One With The Blast From The Past

Louis walked out the shop, into the streets of London. It had just rained an hour ago, so the sidewalks, and windows were still wet, making him even more cautious as he took slow steps, scared he'd slip.

Even after the rain, the sky was still pretty. All the dark clouds moved onto other regions, the white ones replacing them along with the blue sky. Louis loved rain, the soft breeze that blew by after it that was chilling, the sound of the water hitting the pavement and bouncing off, but the change of weather elevated his mood.

Louis just finished his shift. He'd close up but Zayn was in there taking care of a few last things, and promised to not forget to lock up.

When he turned, Harry was standing by the wall, grinning widely at him.

"Hey, pretty boy, what brings you in these corners?" Louis smirked, leaning his shoulder against the wall as he looked at Harry.

"Depends who's asking." He played along, raising an eyebrow. "But does flirting with lads on the street really work?"

Louis laughed. "It did with you, didn't it?" Louis noticed the pink shade Harry's lips were. They had always been pink, but whatever he was wearing was darker. Maybe lipstick? Louis wasn't sure.

Harry rolled his eyes as they started to walk. "You didn't really flirt with me when we first met. You," He hummed, cutting himself off and shaking his head.

Of course Harry remembered that day, and Louis did too.

Then all the memories of the time's he had been absolutely horrible to Harry came flooding back, crashing him down and almost drowning him.

All of a sudden, guilt overtook him.

"Yeah," He licked over his dry lips. It took a moment before Louis was saying, "I'm sorry."

Harry looked at him.

"About everything, you know. It seems like I've been a dick to everyone in the past." He shrugged, digging his fingers into his pocket.

Harry gave him a reassuring smile, reaching for his hand to hold. Louis immediately relaxed.

"Hey, like you said, that was in the past. It doesn't matter now, you've changed."

"But, I hurt you-"

Harry kissed him to quiet him. It was short, but it sufficed, completely relaxing Louis so he wasn't as tense as he was.

Harry had that power, to rid him of all his worries in a blink of an eye, and Louis still wondered how, sometimes.

"That was old Louis, now this is new Louis. We can forget about that guy because all that matters is now, who you are now. And, I don't know about you, but I think you're a gosh darn good person."

Louis smiled. "Did you just say 'gosh darn'?"

"I know, it just slipped out. Let's ignore that." He chuckled, pulling Louis' hand up to his lips to plant a soft kiss there. "Plus, remember, I had such a huge crush on you then."

"I know." He said, crossing the street with Harry until they were on the other side.

"You knew?"

"Harry, the Queen knew. You weren't exactly subtle." Louis chuckled, Harry blushed. "It's endearing, though, looking back at it now. So cute, you were, Haz." Then he saw the look he gave him. "But not as cute as you are, now." He quickly recovered, kissing his cheek.

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