Chapter Two

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I woke up bright and early as my alarm went off like a wild animal. I groaned and shut it off. I was surprised to see Lucas, lying next to me, snoring quietly and smiling. I giggled and reached out to move hair out his face. He must have been extremely tired. He was still wearing his gas station uniform. I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. After peeing for a minute, I brush my teeth and apply lipgloss and eyeliner. I start making breakfast. My tummy was getting so big. I look like I was ready to pop at any moment. I giggled as Sophia did her usual movements. I finished making pancakes and bacon when Lucas stood at the door, yawning and smiling at me. I jumped, dropping the plate and watching it splatter against the floor. He gasped.

"Oops, I'm sorry." He called, jumping in and grabbing the broom and sweeps up the broken dish. I sigh and grab another plate and start loading them with pancakes and bacon. Lucas is by my side as he takes the plate and kisses me. I kiss him back, loving the way his lips feel on mine.

"I was gonna surprise you with breakfast in bed." He laughs as his voice carries to the living room. I follow after him, my plate filled with pancakes and bacon. I take a seat next to him, his face is stuffed with bacon.

"Shouldn't I be the one that makes you breakfast in bed?' I nod, cutting my pancake into tiny pieces and takes small bites.

"Yeah, but you had a long night at work last night and you looked so cute, sleeping there. I didn't want to wake you." He chuckles as he cuts his pancakes with his fork and starts eating. He burps after a few bites and I start laughing.

"There are some weirdos around here. This girl at work tried to seduce me." I stare at him, he's wiggling his eyebrows.

"Really now?' I questioned, eating more of my pancakes. He nods.

"I told her I was engaged and that she shouldn't do that. I feel a little bad though, she gave me a hard on." I stop eating and I glare at him.

"What was the point of you telling me all this? Are you trying to piss me off?" He threw his hands up in defense mode.

"No, I'm not trying to do anything. I just wanted to be honest with you." He sighs. I watched as his shoulders relaxed and his eyebrows went up and down. "It's been bugging me all night. The devil, whispering.... What she doesn't know, won't hurt her. I could have, I could have done anything I wanted to." He looks at me. "But I thought of you and Sophia and Lena. I couldn't do that again." My eyes turn to slits.

"Why did you think of Lena?' I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and ate more bacon.

"Just that, I dated Lena and left her for you. And I hurt two in the process. Besides, what else do I need when I have the most beautiful girl, sitting right next to me?" I blush at his statement and he smiles. "I'm not going to cheat on you. I need you to trust that I can take care of myself." Sophia kicks in my tummy and I am not hungry anymore. Just in pain. I breathe in and out, relaxing. Lucas turns me to the right side of the couch and he sits his plate on the coffee table. I watch as he starts rubbing my feet.

"I just don't want to lose you again Lucas. You have no idea just how much I love you." I whispered as his big hands, wrapped around my big feet.

"No one has my heart but you. I love you." There was silence between us and I didn't dare want to break it. It was perfect.


He doesn't know, how much I sit and cry. Why did this have to happen to me? I'm only thirteen. I didn't want to have a baby. Hell, I didn't even want to have sex. Yet, I let him sweet talk me and take me away. It felt great at the moment but a little voice in my head kept whispering 'This isn't right. You should tell him stop' and at a moment, I was gonna stay stop, but he finished and snaked out. I woke up, and he was gone.

I walked the halls of the stripper line. I was pregnant, but you couldn't tell and my goal was to get rid of it, before it became a fetus. Something I couldn't get rid of. Tonight I was dancing for a group of men around the age of twenty five. I could touch them, but they couldn't touch me. Not like they would, after the find out my secret.

I left the club and started heading home. It was quite dangerous on this side of town. Being in Vegas, you are never safe. I walked past this lighted bar and stopped when I saw him. He was smiling and laughing with a group of people. I wanted him, but. He didn't want me. That was clear. Every time I saw him he was talking about the same girl. Sara Lynn.


Sara Lynn. Just what exactly are you?

Cassidy snores slightly on the couch as I sit in the floor and play call of duty. I wish Miguel was here. He's really good at back line. I'm kicking ass when the door rings. Cassidy stirs but she doesn't wake up. I smile and walk to the door and peek out my peek hole. It's a girl in a Girl Scout outfit. I open the door and she's short. Looking about eight, with golden honey hair and hazel eyes. She wore a green hat that matches her green skirt and green vest. I wave and she pitches me her best line.

"Won't you please buy some Girl Scout cookies?" She asked, batting her eyes and smiling big. I chuckled. I wonder would Sophia be that adorable. I brought some thin mints and snickerdoodles. Cassidy loves snickerdoodles. Handing her a crisp fifty bill, her face lights up like a Christmas tree and she skips off my porch, waving her fifty in the air. I wave her off and close the door.

Cassidy is still sleeping and I drop the cookies on the coffee table and return to my game. I let my mind travel through all the things we have been through. Cassidy and I have been friends since we were eleven. We started dating when we were freshmans. Lena Ray came into my life and broke Cassidy and I up. I tried to make two people happy and hurt both in the process. I turn the game up and carry Cassidy upstairs. She has to work at three. I just wanna cuddle with her.

Stupid Sara Lynn. Go away. Can't you see I'm already happy? I snuggle Cassidy close and she smiles.

"Don't let me go," she whispered. I held her tighter.

"I would never do that." I whispered into her ear. I kissed her neck and with the sound of our heartbeats, we fall soundly to sleep.

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