Chapter Three

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"Mom! I want those pants! Mom!"

A whiny teenage girl shouted after her mother. I made a face as I she chased after her mother, begging for the bright purple skinny jeans. Someone tapped me. I turn around to see smiling Wendy, waving at me.

"Hey, how goes the baby?" She asked. I smile at her. Wendy was tall. She was about an inch or so, taller than me. She had pale skin with hazel eyes. Her hair was a golden brown, like it was dipped in honey. She wore thick black rimmed glasses and heavy eyeliner around her eyes. "I'm doing good, a bit tired if you wanna be honest." She chuckles and pushes me a chair that I plop down in. I move hair out my face as Sophia decides to do a little streching.

"Everyone is talking about you, ya know? Being sixteen and pregnant and working." I look at her. Her smiles disappears a bit and then she bites her nails. "Doesn't it bother you?" I try to think back to when people first started talking about me.

It started when Lucas and I first started dating our freshman year. Have you heard? Lucas and that girl are finally dating. Aren't they like brother/sister? Like seriously, she's not even that pretty. He can do way better. Lucas and I always ignored the words people said. Lucas always stood up for me, even if it meant getting hurt in the process. Lucas and I, aganist the world. That's what he always told me. One day, Lena graced us the presence of sitting at our lunch table. She sat extremely close to Lucas and let her hand travel to his thigh. I watched her, doing that. Lucas didn't stop. He didn't even move away. A piece of my heart broke. I send her my most dirty look. "Excuse me, don't you think you're a bit close?" I questioned. She giggled and traveled her eyes with Lucas who was pissing me off, sitting there like this was normal in a two person relationship. "I believe it's you who is too close." She whispered. Her green amber eyes, staring at me hard. I hated her. Lucas moved away from her and grabbed my hand. "You need to go away," He whispered. Lena looked offended and she glared at me as she left our table, five long minutes later. Lucas didn't say anything, but he did kiss me and I forgave him, just like that. Should I have been worried? Were there clues that I just chose to ignore?

Wendy was ringing another customer out as I sat there, in a hazy daze. She turned to look at me and then she put her hand on my tummy. I watched as she felt around, rubbing my tummy. I felt weird. She moves away and smiles.

"Your baby is pretty special. You know, right?" I nodded and smiled.

"I guess I am special." She shook her head.

"Your love, the love is what makes her special." She whispered. I didn't quite understand, but I've been working her for a month now, Wendy was always weird like this. A few teenagers stroll in, blasting 'Harlem Shake' on their phones, dancing and being loud. Wendy stood up straight, her hands on her hips and cleared her throat. The teens stop. I couldn't stop staring at the girl with the blue hair. Her eyes met mine and we connected. She starts laughing.

"Oh no, are you the pregnant girl with the super hot boytoy?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"What?" I asked, my voice with a icy tone to it. She smirks and approaches the counter, flashing off more cleavge than any girl should.

"You heard me? What did you tell that boy to make him knock you up?" I stand up, giving her a death glare. Wendy stepped back.

"What? You think I wanted  to become pregnant? Are you fucking stupid?" Some of the guys that walked in with her, whistle and make a face. The girl with the blue hair smiles her best and then she whispers something I'm not ready to hear. Ever.

"You think you're bad bitch? You haven't met the devil yet. Don't fuck with me." She moves away from me, but not before I grabbed her shoulders and brought her close to me. She smelled like citrus and flowers.

"You haven't met hell yet. And don't you dare bring yourself in my store, telling me who the fuck with." I brought her closer to me. My lips inches from hers. "I'll break your fucking face." She looked at me with hazel amber eyes, she was scared and that made me smile. Her curly hair friend smiles at me. He whispers to his friend who chuckles. He calls after her.

"C'mon Sara Lynn. Obviously you show no threat to her." I watch as she walks away, she isn't happy and when the door slams Wendy high fives me.

"That's what I'm talking about!" She shouted, leaning down to hug me. I smile and sigh. Sara Lynn. I hate that girl.


I decided to clean to take my mind off Sara Lynn and other things surrounding my mind. I yawned as I felt myself falling asleep. Cassidy was coming in, any minute now. I wanted to make sure the house was clean and cozy for her. 

The door slammed and in comes Cassidy, with a sour look on her face. I run towards her and greet her with a smile that doesn't quite make her smile.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. That was obviously the bad thing to say because she immediately blew up on me.

"What's wrong with me? Who is this Sara Lynn bitch and why is she telling me that you're my boytoy?" I sighed and walked to the counter. I started pressing my temples together to keep from screaming. "I met her, she's a thirsty bitch. What the fuck did you do last night?" I glare at her.

"I didn't do anything. She came in and tried to seduced me. I didn't fall for it. What do I need to fuck around for when I have everything I could ever dream for?" Her eyes just kept staring at me with a blank expression. I walked towards her and she lets me hug her. She's tense. I wish she would relax.

"I don't want you talking to her. She reminds me of Lena Ray." She whispered. I hugged her tighter and suddenly her hands found their way around me and she hugged me. She starts crying and I shush her and run my fingers down her back, kissing her forehead. She look at me and I cover my lips on hers. She doesn't say anything as we make our way to the couch, kissing and touching. Her shirt is off and my pants are next. Every time I share a piece of me with her, I grow more in love with her.

We finish and we end it with a last kiss. I love being tangled in her. Never wanting to move or spread apart. She snuggles into me, burying herself into my chest. I hold her closer.

"I love you," I whispered in her ear. She smiles and I feel her cool lips on my burning chest. Her hair smells like strawberries and it turns me on. She giggles.

"No more tonight. Sophia is tired and I am too. I love you too." As I wait for her steady breathing and her cute little snores when she falls asleep. I hold her and wait for sleep that is never going to come. I watch the ceiling as pretend that stars are shining down on us. Sleep overpowers everything. It is so strong that I don't even remember giving it permission to enter and take over me.


One thrust. Two. Four. Can you hurry up? I'm getting bored.

I take the five hundred from the old geezer with the mustache that tickles. He waves me off and I climb out his car. As he drives away, I feel a sharp pain. I start gasping and I held my stomach. Something just dropped out from beneath the short pink skirt that I was wearing. Another sharp pain and I screamed. It drops to the ground and I look down, covering my mouth. There, on the ground, was my half born fetus. I wanted to jump for joy. I had gotten rid of it. But I couldn't. I was too weak and somehow, I just felt like I just lost a piece of Miguel.

I check out my phone. Nothing new. I pass out on the concrete ground. When I awake, several hours later, Kevin is sitting next to me and he's nothing but pissed off mode. Great. 

"What did you do? I had to leave Sara Lynn for you." I narrow my eyes at him. 

"Get out of here and go be with her." I muttered. He shook his head and leaned down, biting into my neck. I gasped as felt him as he drained me of the blood. It made me feel hazy and high. It was amazing. And it made me crave sex. He bit harder and I gripped the hopstial sheets. "You are hurting me." I whispered.

He growled as he pulled away, licking my wound clean. I sat back and panted He smirked.

"Should hold me till I get back. Try not to die before I get back." I blinked my eyes and he was gone.

Memories Made (Part One: The Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now