Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Alex Tuijnman

I stood there, watching as Max's chubby and chunky face disappear into a lovely oval shape, the same face as his brother, Miguel. I stare at him, long and hard. I start reading his features. Taking him, piece by piece in. His skin complexion was the same as Miguel. They both had the same shade of green in their eyes. Miguel was always seen with his bouncy brown curls. Christopher had straight long brown hair that reached to his neck. He was pretty adorable. He smiled at me and I blushed a deep red.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing at the green beaded bracelet. He looks down and looks at me.

"It helps protect the real me. Cassie, no one can know that I'm alive." He stares hard at me. "No one." He said. I nodded. He even sounded like Miguel. Just a bit deeper.

"Tell me what's going on Ma- Christopher. What happened?" I asked. He looks up at the celing and he closes his eyes. I listen as he falls into a adventerous tale.

I hated how Miguel always got the attention from all the girls and I kinda just stood there, feeling like a third wheel and a bit weird. It was weird. Girls knew we were related and were brothers. Still, Miguel kinda just had that charm on him. Every since he was in like elementry school. I remember we were walking to the bathroom as a class and these third grades were like, pinching his cheeks and telling him how adorable he was. I always stood there, watching. Why couldn't I draw attention to myself?

When I was twelve, I ran into a girl from school. She was pretty cute. She had freckles along with her long auburn red hair. Her eyes sparkled a bright hazel and her mouth was full of metal. She was beyond adorable and she was in love with me. It started with lunch together. When Miguel and I would hang out, she would always tag along and compliment me. I always thought she was just being nice, until we kissed in my bedroom. It wasn't something serious. I'm in the fifth grade, I didn't know what the hell kissing was. The kiss was short lived, I ended up pushing her away. She cried. and I don't mean like, tears like spring rain. No. It was like a heavy downpour. She screamed and cried and pulled some hair out and never stopped reminding me how much she hated me. She hated me, all because I didn't feel the same about her.

It was strange, kissing her. I thought I liked her. I didn't. I also realized that I didn't like kissing girls. She smelled too girly and the thought about it, made me want to puke. A few weeks after my bad first kiss, I made friends with the new student. His name was Alexander Andrew Franklin. He was handsome. He had neck length black hair and pale skin. His eyes were a warm brown and he wore glasses. Black rimmed to be exact. One day, we were together after school and he kissed me. My insides exploded and I came to the point that, I liked guys. And I was in love with Alexander.

He never spoke a word to anyone, and my birthday was coming up. I was quite fine with my secret meetings with Alexander. We never did anything more than kissing. Things fell fast when my old girl crush spotted us kissing. She told everyone, my brother was a bit shocked. He was supportive though and I was grateful for that. Alexander avoided me after that and the day before my birthday, he got a girlfriend. I never exprienced heartahe before, but it wasn't a nice feeling. It was shattered. It felt like someone, ripped it out my chest, and stomped on it. Chewed on it, till there was nothing left. It was terrible. I cried, for hours.

I did the only thing I could, talk to my parents. WORST. MISTAKE. EVER. My father was furious. He made Miguel sleep on the couch. In fear that I would spread gayness around. I couldn't take it, and when the clock struck twelve, I hung myself.

It took my ten minutes to die, three for my brother to find me and a second for my mother to try and save me. It's weird cause I remember everything. When they buried me underground, I fell into a deep slumber and when I awoke, I was in a place that was very different from this world we call home.

He looked at me and I sat there, watching him. I didn't know what to say to the last sentence he said. What did he mean by that?

"Don't tell anyone what I told you," He whispered. I blinked.

"Why not?" I asked. He sighs.

"I can't tell you, just promise me." He whispered. I nod. There was a knock on the door and Christopher slid the bracelet back on his wrist. He jumped up so fast that I didn't notice when Miguel walked in and he was staring at us. Max smiled and walked pass him. He stared at me, I forced a smile.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nod.

"I'm fine, let's get ready for this party." I stood up and walked pass him. Just promise me.

Sorry my lovely friends. But this is where I'm cutting it off. Wanna know more that happens, start reading Part Two c: Thanks for reading. c: <33

~ Brittany c:

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