Chapter Twelve

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Today is the day, finally! I will finally go from Cassidy Ann Lowly to Cassidy Ann Rogers. It is a week from December and everyone is still sleeping. Mother and Father are across from our hotel room, sleeping. I wish I was sleeping, but I'm too excited. Lucas was snoring next to me and Miguel and Max were sleeping in the other bed. I climb out of bed and grab the phone, ordering room service. 

"Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?" The male's accent voice slipped into my ear. I bit my lip. I wish Lucas was up. He was great at French. I cleared my throat.

"Do you have someone here, wh can speak English?" I asked. The male's voice disappeared and a young male voice came in.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" His accent was strong and it was really hard to understand him.

"Um, I want to order room service. CAn I have breakfast for two? Waffles and bacon with butter and tea. With cream and sugar." He didn't say anything for a little moment and I thought about hanging up.

"We will have it ready in a moment," The line went dead and I hung up. Lucas yawned and sat up, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Well, good morning to you too. Ordering breakfast I see." I giggle and fall back on the bed, landing my head in his lap. He strokes my hair back and smiles at me.

"Yeah, I hope you like waffles." I whispered. He nods and our lips meet. The clock read 11:05 in the morning. Looks like we will be having a late wedding today. I looked down at my stomach and started rubbing my belly. "Why do I feel like I'm getting fatter?" Lucas starts laughing.

"Cause you are baby," I scrunch my nose at him.

"Shut up, you aren't suppose to like, agree." I muttered. He chuckled. Miguel passes gas and then he yawns. I make a face. "Ew," 

Someone comes knocking on our door and it's the waiter from the downstairs cafeteria with our room service order. The waffles and bacon is covered with silver lids and the tea is steaming out of the teapot with Paris's best china. We give him a nice tip and he disappears off with a smile on his face. Miguel and Max wake up and stare at our food as we head to the patio of our hotel room.

"What? You guys didn't order us any?" Miguel protested. Max nudged him and made a face. Miguel rolled his eyes. "So, just because they are getting married today, doesn't mean-" He stopped himself and Lucas took a seat next to me as Max closed the patio door.

"Let's go get breakfast with Cassidy's parents. I'm sure they are hungry." Max suggeted. Miguel made a face but followed after Max. I turned my attention the sun light sky and the clouds not anywhere in sight. Lucas leaned into me and our lips met.

"We are probably breaking a lot of codes today, but fuck it." He said, whispering aganist my lips. I smiled and we kissed again.

"I know what you mean baby." I whispered back. He sat back in his seat and we started eating our breakfast, sipping on tea and talking about the past and the future.


I'm so used to pretending to be apart of something that I'm not. So when I told Miguel to come offer to have breakfast with the Lowlys, it came easy. Not because I didn't know them, just because it felt better than sitting and spiraling in a pit of darkness I can't have back.

We sat downstairs in the quiet lounge, not saying anything. The only sounds that could be heard was between our mouths chewing and sucking on cold ice tea. Miguel let out a burp and Mrs. Lowly started laughing. She smiled just like Cassidy. Cassidy had her father's eyes, who was staring too hard at his egg omlet. I cleared my throat and his eyes sliced through me. I gulped.

"How do you guys enjoy breakfast?" I asked. Mr. Lowly scoffed. Mrs. Lowly beamed at me.

"It's delicous, thank you Maxwell." She said.

"Can you please stop pretending like you are alright with all of this?" Mr. Lowly asked. Mrs. Lowly looks at him.

"Excuse me, I'm quite happy right now." He laughs sarasctially.

"Our daughter is making a mistake marrying that deliquient." Miguel stopped chewing and looked at him.

"Lucas really loves your daughter. Why can't you get over the fact that he made one mistake?" Mr. Lowly glared at him.

"Excuse me, I feel like you should mind your business."

"Excuse me, but I'm not gonna let you talk shit about my best friend who is marrying my other best friend. What's your deal?" Miguel aked, glaring at him across the table. I sat and watched as Mrs. Lowly didn't say anything as she rubbed her stomach and Mr. Lowly and Miguel held an evil glare.

"Guys, let's relax. Today is a special day. We shouldn't be fighting." Mr. Lowky knocked the food on the floor and flipped the table. Mrs. Lowly screamed and I jumped up and pinned Mr. Lowly on the ground. He squirmed and screamed and Miguel stood over us, watching.

"Get off me!" He snarled. I shook my head, digging my fingers into his wrists and putting all of my weight on his stomach.

"Not till you calm down," I screamed back, letting the weight of me really sink in. He stopped squirming and started crying. Miguel left the room before he started laughing. I looked down at Mr. Lowly.

"What is with you guys thinking this is alright?" He asked. He stared down before meeting my eyes. "He's only marrying her because he knocked her up. He doesn't love her. She's gonna be broken heart. Just like her mother was." My eyes widen as the realization hit me. Mrs. Lowly was looking down, not even meeting my gaze.

"Are you her father?" I asked, staring at him. He looked down.

"No, I'm not," He whispered. A slience ripped open like a fresh wound and I climbed off him and left.

Some things are better left closed, but this is something that I can't even handle. They have been keeping a secret this big, from her. For so long. How could they?

Wait. Who am I to talk? I'm worse. Who fake their own death?

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