Chapter Fifteen

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  • Dedicated to Dawnn Panda Leann

It's a one more month and I'll be nine months into my pregnancy. We have left Paris two days before December and in Portland, Oregon. It's nothing but snow, piles and piles of snow. I stare out the window as the snow keeps dropping from the gray clouds. I still can't believe what my uncle told me back at the hotel. Mom had comfirmed it on the plane ride home. I haven't talked to niether of them since. She won't even tell me where my real father is. She should have told me way before the day I get married, Lucas and Miguel are making hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies. I feel my eyes dropping. I sleep more than ever now that I'm so close to popping.


"This little gingerbread's leg went, NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!" Lucas shouts. I start laughing and start pushing the cookies down on the cookie platter. Lucas sucked on his hot chocolate and sat his mug back down. The mug said 'Number One Father' I watched as he started stirring the mug that said 'Number One Mommy' Why did I feel so weird? Like, my two best friends, I have known since elementry school are now married and will be parents in a month? I just can't believe this.

"Are you guys sure you are ready for this?" I asked. Lucas looked up from the steaming mugs and nodded.

"Of course we are ready, why wouldn't we be ready?" He asked, looking at me.

"I don't know, what if you do end up hurting Cassidy, but you don't mean it like, on purpose?"

"You think I can't do this, that's what it is." Lucas said. I swallowed the spit down that felt like sandpaper and finished the cookies.

"I didn't say that,"

"You didn't have to."  He said. Lucas pushed the steaming mugs away and he walked towards me as I pushed the oven close shut. "I can do this, I love Cassidy. I won't hurt her like that again." His eyes seem to stare deep into me and it makes me nervous.

"I believe you," I said, backing up. Lucas walked back to the steaming mugs and he headed out to the living room. I never onced thought that Lucas was a violent person. I'm starting to re-think that though.


I watch as Cassidy is slumped over the couch, sleeping. She's snoring loudly, so I know she is knocked out. I sit the steaming mugs of hot chocolate down and come and sit next to her. She looks like an angel, I don't want to wake her. I'm sure she's hungry though. I see her nose twich and she lets out a cute little sneeze. I chuckle and her eyes slowy open.

"Well hi there goregous," I whisper. She yawns and looks over at the hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies.

"You made my favorite cookies." She whispers. I lean down, kissing her lips.

"I did, you hungry?" I asked. She starts to say no, but her tummy growls like no tomorrow and I hand her some cookies and the mug that says 'Number One Mommy' She takes slow sips out her mug and munches loudly on her gingerbread. I can't stop laughing. We snuggle close to each other and watch old re runs of 'Family Guy' together. She soon drifts off to sleep. She tastes like gingerbread and chocolate. Her hair smells like vanilla. It's the perfect mix to make me pass out.

And I do, holding her lightly in my arms. She snores and I whisper in her ear that I love her. She doesn't respond, but I hear Sophia kick and a smile spreads on her face. I smile.


I awake with my bladder filled to full and my tummy down to empty. Lucas isn't on the couch with me. I hurry up the stairs and empty my bladder and head to our bedroom. Miguel and Lucas are lying on the floor, playing a intense game of Dragonball Z. I can't help but to start laughing. Lucas jerks his head to mine just as Miguel uses character to send a special attack to Lucas. Lucas groans and he punches Miguel in the arm, who starts laughing.

"I win," He said, sticking out his tounge and laughing even more. Lucas narrows his eyes at the television and stands up, walking towards me. I watch as he takes a big sigh and wraps his arms around me.

"Hi baby girl, you sleep good?" He asked. I smile and kiss his nose.

"I slept great, my full bladder woke me up. What were you guys doing?" Miguel stood up, brushing his knees off and moving his brown curls out his face.

"We were playing Dragonball Z and Lucas was mumbling some shit about how he was gonna kick my ass. Then you walked in, and he lost his focus." He starts laughing and Lucas throws something at him.

"Anyway, it's cold outside and theres a new movie that's coming out tonight. You wanna come?" I look outside and see the gray clouds and tthe snow flaking down on the roftops.

"What movie are going to see?" I asked. Miguel smiled.

"That new scary one, called Evil Dead."  I squeal. I loved the trailer for that movie. It's supposed to make you piss your pants and scare the living shit out of you. Lucas kissed my lips and I nodded.

"Sure, let's get going." I said.

I change out of Lucas's baggy t shirt and slides on a pair of yoga pants and a loose sweatshirt. I put on my black ugg boots and walk down the stairs. Miguel and Lucas are waiting at the door for me. Miguel looks are adorable with his winter hat on, crushing his brown curls and his scarf around his neck. He's wearing sweats and his low tops. His coat is a black button up and he looks cozy. Lucas is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a furry hoodie with the hood down. He's wearing a beanie hat over his golden hair and a scarf around his neck. They all look adorable and it makes me feel fat.

I am so over being pregant.

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