Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Milos Bathory Mijajlovic


"Chloe, wanna go out tonight?" My friend Emma asked. Emma was extremely cute. She had short red hair and blue eyes. Her skin was pale and flawless. She looked like an angel really. She was putting on a short demin skirt and a too tight tank top. It was pink. Her boobs were staring at me.

"Sure, where are we going?" I asked. She starts laughing and everyone who knew Emma knew that wasn't a good thing.

"Where else do we go? I heard Kevin is gonna be there." I growled and she smirked.

"Sure, lemme find something cute to wear." I announce. We leave my house twenty minutes later and head to the hot spot of Las Vegas. The casino. Emma and I had to dress grown up to get in. Kevin whistled as we walkd in, arms linked and barely covering skin.

"Well hey there," He called, his voice deep and wrapped in sex. I wanted him. Emma and I stroll over to him and one of Kevin's friends snakes his hands around Emma's waist. Kevin grabs me and starts biting my neck I giggle and he pulls away. "I missed you," I smirk and he steals a kiss from my lips.

"I've missed you too baby," I cooed. He smiled and dives in for another kiss. "Got any plans with me tonight?" Kevin's smile smirked into a full on grin. I couldn't explain it, but I loved being around him. He was beautiful. Pale and flawless skin. Warm brown eyes, but tonight they were taken over with golden contacts. His hair, bleach blonde and swiped to the side with a touch of emo. He was my guy, yet. He was in love with his emo/scene queen. Why couldn't I be enough?

"Sure, why not? Meet me upstairs?" He whispered, slipping a card into my hands. I gripped it tight and he moves away, following after his friend and Emma, who looks like they aren't ready to waste time. I move blonde hair out my face and pull out my lipgloss. Better make it perfect for him.


It is now lunchtime. Cassidy and Max are sitting extremely close to each other and they are staring at a J-14 magazine. I poke at the meatloaf and take a huge gulp of my soda. Cassidy squeals and Max slaps her arm.

"I know right, I can't believe that Louis is fucking taken." His hands form to fists and he playfully punches the magazine. Cassidy laughs and this smile that I haven't always seen on her all the time, shines up the entire room. I wonder, do I make her smile like that? Cassidy sneaks a peek at me and moves from Max, biting into her apple.

"How do you like your classes?" She asked. Our eyes connected and I looked away. Dude, don't ignore her.

"Why don't you ask Max? Your new best friend." Her eyes light with annoyance and I glare at her. She starts laughing.

"Are you seriously jealous of a gay guy right now?" She sneered. My eyes widen and Max sips on his milk, not saying a word. I glance at him and then her. Her lips curl into a smirk. Totally owned. I look down and she scoots over to me, kissing me. "I swear, you are so cute." I kiss her back, my face red as a tomato. Max burps and we all kinda giggle.

"She's been talking about you all day. She showed me the ultrasound of baby Sophia." I smile. "Yeah, she's gonna be a beautiful baby. You both should be really happy." Cassidy blushes and I do too.

"Thanks," I said. He nods and goes back to his lunch. Cassidy nudges me and I look at Max. "I'm sorry, about being a douche earlier." Max laughs as food flies out his mouth. Cassidy starts laughing and I cover my mouth.

"Sorry, you said douche. Like, my favorite word in the world." He said. He grabs a napkin and wipes his mouth. I keep staring at his choked up sandwich. The bell rings and Cassidy grabs the magazine. Max gasped.

"No, that has my Louis in there! Cassidy!" I watched as he chased after her, she ran pretty fast to be four months ahead. I chuckled and followed after them.


Well. I'm alive. Whoo. But, where am I now? Why is that kid starching his neck? That girl keeps gripping her arms like she is afraid someone is gonna cut her arms off. All these weird people, acting like drug addicts. Why am I here? When can I leave?

"Mister Fuentes. Why don't you go next?" Our suicidal teacher Mr. O'Hara asked. I looked at him, he pushed his glasses down and smiled at me. 

I wonder how many times you wear that stupid smile. 

"What if I didn't bother to do the assessment?" I asked, glaring at the ground. 

"Then, I suppose you can go back to your room and not have dinner tonight." I sighed as my tummy growled. I haven't done any assessments since I was awoken from my coma. Mr. O'Hara informed me, the longer I don't participate, the longer I will be there. I stood up and cleared my throat.

"What I have learned being here is that the people here are crazy and fucked up. I'm not crazy and I didn't try to kill myself. I tried to kill someone. She is my baby's mother and I got drunk and buzzed and threw a glass bottle at her. Next thing, I was passed out and in a hospital room, only to be named to be dead." I watched as all eyes went to me, and Mr. O'Hara was glaring at me. I smirk. "What? You asked me what I learned. I learned nothing. I'm not crazy. I would like to be let out tonight. Or, I'm breaking out." I sat back down and the girl gripping her arms looked at me. I moved my curls out my face. I really needed a shower. You shower here, but you get the soap that hurts to scrub and leaves you smelling like death.

I am dismissed to my room and I wait for the nurses to come and deliver our nightly dose of downers. Something to make us fall asleep. I wait till the lights are out and creep over to where the toilet is and pull out a small white box. When I came in here, they took everything I didn't hide. What I managed to save was a small red switchblade and my iPod. I moved those to the side and pulled out my cellphone. I watched as the T-Mobile banner came on. I looked around, silent all around. I had four bars. Enough to make a phone call. I dialed the numbers I knew best and listened. 

Hi there. You have reached my voicemail. I'm pregnant and sleeping. Leave a message with your number.

Lucas chuckled and the line beeped. I force a smile. 

"Still pregnant I see. I need to see you. I'm sorry. Call me as soon as you can." I close my phone and slip it back into my box. I tuck my box safely behind the toilet and followed the moonlight to my bed and crawled in. i didn't have to wait long for sleep to come. It came in, like a warm summer breeze and swept me off my feet. A smile painted my face. I hope Cassidy gets my message.

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