Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Jose Corrales

Lucas and I agreed to have our wedding on top of the Eiffle Tower. It is about 1,000 feet tall and it has three levels. It's so beautiful, you can see all of Paris and much more. It's about midnight and Miguel starts plugging in his radio. I was sitting, curled into a ball, reading a story on this website. Lucas was rubbing my feet. Max walks out the bathroom, wearing a pair of booty shorts and a pink tank top. Miguel busts out laughing, I smile and snap my fingers.

"Girl, you look sexy," I announce. He smiles and does a little twitch with his butt.

"Why, thank you." He announced. I giggle and Lucas keeps rubbing my feet. "There's a fancy little gay club around. You guys wanna come?" Lucas shook his head. I shook my head too.

"I just wanna relax." I said. Lucas squeezed harder and I bite my lip.

"You guys should go though. Cassidy and I need room to breathe." Miguel scoffed and turned on his radio. A Paramore song starts playing and he stands headbanging. Max laughs and starts jumping up and down and shaking his hips. The room is bumping up and down from the music and their dancing. Lucas stops rubbing my feet and sighs in annoyance. I giggle as he crawls up to me and leans into my lips, kissing me. I can't fight him off and he doesn't stop as our kisses increases. Miguel makes a face and turns the radio off.

"Fine, I'll leave, let's go Max." Max giggles and they grab their shoes and head out the door. Lucas pulls away and I start laughing.

"That always works babe," He said, sitting up and streching. I grabbed my iPad and started reading again as Lucas's hands went back to my feet. I was intune with the story, but I was also out of it. Whenever Lucas kisses me, I always get distrected. "What kind of dress do you want?" I look at him.

"I want some that's cute, ya know? I'm pregnant. I don't have many options." He laughs and looks at my tummy. I looked like I was almost ready to pop. I'm even months in, I look like I'm nine.

"Let's go shopping right now," He suggested. I look at the clock. It's 12:22 am. "You heard me, go get your sandals. Let'a go baby." I smile and he drops my feet and I swing my feet to the edge of the bed and get down.

Slipping on a red sun dress and a demi jean jacket, Lucas helps me to the door and we take a taxi towards downtown. The sights of Paris never stop impressing me. I find myself snapping pictures out of our cab and pointing at things I've never seen before.

"Here we are," Lucas calls as we step out onto the busy streets of Venice, Paris. People walk around, speaking in French and what not, carrying big purses and bags. Walking in and out of little and big shops. We walked into this tiny shop that was named 'Nuptiale de mariage' which means 'Wedding Bridal' in french. It was beautiful. Wedding dresses covered the store, from extra small to extra large. I hope I didn't need an extra large. It's just my tummy that's huge, not me. Well, not my entire body. Ugh, being pregnant sometimes sucks. This blonde lady that was too skinny with too much red lipstick, walks over to us and starts talking to us in French.

"Bonsoir Monsieur et Mademoiselle Comment puis-je vous aider?" I stood there, trying to figure out what she said. I understood what bonsoir meant, but after that, It was all downhill. Lucas smiled and grabbed her hand, kissing it. I flushed a red, she did too.

"Bonsoir Mademoiselle, je suis à la recherche d'une robe pour ma enceinte bientôt être femme. Pensez-vous pouvoir nous aider?" Her face lights up and she smiles at me.

"Pourquoi oui je peux, suivez-moi de cette façon, combien de mois est-elle?" Lucas chuckles and he grabs my hand, we follow after the lady. Lucas and the blonde french lady keep talking back and forth in French and it makes me mad, because I wanna know what the hell they are talking about and if they are talking about me. She stops us at a line of dresses that look like they are made for fat people. I mean, really, really fat people. I glare at her and glance at Lucas.

"Did you tell her I was fat?" I demanded. Lucas throws his hand up.

"I didn't tell her you were fat, I told her you were seven months pregnant, so you should have something that is comfortable." The blonde lady looks confused.

"Y at-il quelque chose de mal?" Lucas smiles at her and shakes her head. She takes a glance at me and I glare at her. She furrows her brows and she walks away. Lucas doesn't tell me what she muttered, walking past me. I can take a guess though. He pulls a dress off a rack and shows me it. It's white and long and way too big. I shake my head.

"I'm not trying these dresses on. I'm pregnant. Not thirty fucking thousand pounds!" Lucas walks over to me and kisses my lips. I try to push him off, but his kisses are intoxicing and I can't stop smiling.

"You aren't fat and you will look great in whatever kind of dress you pick. Now, stop being a bitch and start trying on a dress." I smile and lean in to kiss his lips. He always knew how to make me feel alright.

"WAIT! Isn't it bad for the groom to see the dress?" Lucas chuckled and sat on a little beige couch as I started taking off my dress.

"Hey, we aren't doing this like everyone else, so." I laugh and start stepping into the dress. It's tight and I soon realize, I might need a bigger dress size.



Dear Anyone,

I'm back. I'm in Paris where I'm about to have my wedding and probaby Sophia. Who knows? It's Lucas, Max, and Miguel. Max's parents have been blowing his phone up. He hasn't noticed. I feel like Miguel knows Max from somewhere, but he's not telling us. I finally got my wedding dress and Lucas is gonna go with the boys and get his tux. We are having our wedding in four days. I have informed my mother and father that we are in Paris and they are free to come and see us get married. I am excited. Life is so great. I have the best boyfriend ever and I'm getting married. I'm really in love and I'm due in two months! :D It's awfully nice in Paris to be November. I can't wait till christmas! :* I hope Lena is enjoying it up there in heaven. I still think about her, and I don't even like her.

xoxoxo Cassidy Ann Lowly Rogers :*


I stumble out the club, drunk and horny as fuck. Max and I danced so much. I can't see straight. There are people talking in loud voices. Anybody willing to fuck? Max clings to me and I groan in annoyance.

"Get off me." I complain. Max laughs and pukes, his warm spit staining my arm and making me feel uneasy. "Why are you even here? Everyone at home thinks you are dead." Max stands up, wiping the puke fron his lips.

"You promised you wouldn't speak of that." He whispered. I glare at him.

"God, sometimes you are so fucking selfish. Most people kill themselves when they leave a sucidice note."

"Shut up Miguel. It was better for mom and dad to think I was dead then a fag." Miguel looks down and he returns toi that sweet smile. "Let's get back, it's late." He holds out his hand and I take it.

I don't understand why you came back. It wasn't easy for mom to accept your death. She blamed father for everything. I found the note, you left no trace. I was twelve. Did you even care? Or were you just concern with yourself? I hate how you come back, with a new name. A new family. A whole new you, like you never were once a part of me.

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