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I walked out of Downeys room after our discussion, and drove home. Maybe he could help me with my daydreaming problem. Then i can graduate, get away from here, and maybe, just maybe, be doing what i love. I saw Carmens Kia Sorento at my apartment buildings parking lot. She is just leaning on her car and on her phone, she didnt realize that im here now i guess. I walk up to her and i see she jumped at my sight. "Geez, you scared the hell outta me, Harper!" She says, then giving me a hug.

"Sorry." I say as our hug breaks. "Whatcha doin here anyways?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to know what Mr. Downey told you.." She says deviously. I roll my eyes.

"Ill tell you inside, even though you couldve texted me." I said walking into the building with Carmen following behind me.

"If i texted you, how would i know if your lying to me or not?" She asks like i shouldve known. I take out my keys and unlock my door, letting her inside.

"What do you mean, "If you lying to me or not."?" I ask, mocking her.

"Oh please, sometimes we talk about serious things, and i can tell by either your voice or your expression if you lying or not." She explains, i roll my eyes at her again.

"He talked to me about my daydreaming, then i told him to stop calling me "Ms."" I said, she looked at me like i should continue. "Thats, pretty much it...." I said, then she nodded.

"So, is he going to help you with your "problem"?" She asked, i shrugged.

"I dont know, i can ask him for help tomorrow, why is this so important for you to know anyways?" I ask, changing the subject a little.

"Because, i just wanted to know, you never get in trouble."

"I didnt get in trouble though..." I said trying to prove her wrong.

"Okay, well i have to go home and figure out what im going to have for dinner. See you tomorrow morning, Harper!" She said walking towards the door.

"See you tomorrow, Carmen!" I said, then she walked out.


I get up before my alarm today, weird. I choose my outfit, a baggy black and white American Eagle tshirt and a pair of dark wash jeans. With my trusty black and blue Nikes. I straighten my hair because it looks terrible. Brush my teeth and all that, yeah, blah blah blah. Check the time before i leave, for once ill be kinda early, or at least early for me. I grab my keys and go.

I arrive at college, im too early for my friends to be here, so i just go to my class, take out my laptop, and continue writing a screenplay before class starts. The room actually is empty, so i put my earbuds in my laptop, go to Spotify, and play my music. Yellow, by Coldplay comes on and i cant help but start singing to it softly.Then all i see is my screen as i type away, still singing softly. I didnt realize that Mr. Downey had walking in until i felt his presence right in front of me. I stop singing and typing, the look up at him. I see a stupid grin on his face, then i take one of my earbuds out so i can hear him. "Can i help you, Mr. Downey?" I ask, he is still grinning.

"Thats song, was it called, Yellow by any chance?" He asks, stupid question. I also dont like singing in front of people, especially men. Dont judge me, i kinda have stage fright when it comes to singing.

"Yes, im sorry i was singing, i dont usually sing in front of people..." I say, embarrassed that he heard me, luckily, nobody else is here so. His grin fades to a confused look now.

"Why not? Your voice seems fine to me." He compliments. Another thing i hate, when people compliment me on something i dont like. Even though i like singing, just not in front of people.

"Thanks, im sure yours is better though."

"Why would you think that? Because you think yours is bad?"

"I dont think mine is bad, i think yours is better."

"How would you know?"

"Because i havent met a guy with a terrible voice." I say, he walks over to his computer. Okay, tell me thats not a little rude. Then he puts a song on, its Island In The Sun, by Weezer. Then he starts singing, and hes definitely a tenor, then he hits a sudden low note, maybe a baritone then. He makes this weird look when he sings too. His eyebrows are raised, as he moves his head when he hits a certain note. But he looks me in the eyes when he does, instead of them wandering around the room, like i do. "Your voice is so much better than mine by the way!" I yell over the music.

"Some people say i sing like a girl." He chuckles as he says that. That makes me laugh a little. He turns the song off and walks back over to me. "What are doing besides singing, i heard you typing up a storm over here."

"Oh, im just typing this screenplay." I told him, pointing to the screen of my laptop.

"Screenplay? I thought you wanted to become an actor, not writer?" He asks, a little insulted.

"I do, writing is kinda a hobby i guess. Instead of reading or doing sports, other than skiing, i write. Is that a problem with you, Mr. Downey?" I ask defensively.

"No, is that what you zone out about? Ideas for writing i mean. Or is it about a crush or something?" He asks, wait, he just asked that?!

"I zone out about many things, and i dont have a crush if you have to know everything about me, Mr. Down-in-my-business." I cant believe i just said that, he looks pissed again.

"Did you just insult my name, Harper?" He asked, i could tell that he was serious.

"Well, your asking me all of these personal questions! So yes, i kinda did." I say defensively, the grin is back on his face, he didnt say anything. "What?!" I asked.

"I think you like when i ask you questions, you seem to be the person to bond with another over questions."

"Maybe, but not that personal.." He takes a seat at the desk in front of me, but hes sitting backwords.

"Okay, then dont answer it. But its your turn to ask me a question." He says.

"Alright... um..... Do you have a family?" I ask.

"No, i dont." He explains. "Do you live with your parents or siblings or alone or what?"

"I live alone in an apartment. I have a brother and my parents live in here, but not in my apartment with me. Have you been an actor before?"

"No, i just teach it. I enjoy teaching though, so im comfortable with not being an actor." As he finished answering me, people started to come in, then class started, and Mr. Downey turned back into a teacher.

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