Not Good...

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I went in the next morning, still confused and angry from yesterday. I see Robert run up to me, he seems... Panicked? "HARPER!!!" He yells, then finally reaches me, a little out of breath.
"What? What is it?" I ask, with a tiny bit of a harsh tone.
"The principal, he wants to meet with us soon, i think that woman you saw yesterday told him... We need to think of something, and quick..."
"Uhm.... Do you have anything in mind????" My harsh tone turned to worry.
"All i can think is deny, deny, deny.... You?"
"Hmmm...... No, i dont..."
"Well, she doesnt have proof, and if Parker doesnt get involved.... Then we have a chance..." He says as we walk towards the entrance.
"Alright, time to put my acting skills to the test." He chuckles after i say that.
We enter the principals office and he immediately looks at us with a serious face. "Fantastic, you showed up..." He says, sarcastic on 'fantastic.' What crawled up his ass this morning?
"So, whats this about, exactly?" Robert asks after an awkward silence.
"I will let you know, we are waiting for two more people.." Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I see Robert start to panic too. Before we know it, the bitch and Parker walk in.... We are screwed.....
CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Ill update soon because shits about to get real, also sorry for the SUPER short chapter... But its about to get interesting, also i think im gonna wrap this up in about five chapters or so, then ill start a new one. Thanks guys!!!!

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