Friend Or Professor?

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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Damn it, I start college today! I almost forgot. I get up, rubbing my eyes trying to wake up. I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. After breakfast, I jump in the shower. I put a plaid collared shirt on, with black pants. I don't wear make up. I dry my hair, kind of making it look nice. I put on my black watch, clean my glasses, and pack my satchel. Its pretty much only a pencil, a notebook, and a laptop. I choose my black and blue Nikes, finish getting ready, then grab my keys and get into my Mustang. It takes about ten minutes to get to college, so it seems like I leave late. I arrive and meet up with my college friends. There is Parker, the funny one, Carmen, the caring one, even though all of them care, Tobias, the one who likes me, and Eliza, the crazy one. That's the gang, kidding, we aren't a gang. We walked in together, we have the same classes, that's how we met. We are all talking about what we predict the new professor will look and act like. We walk into the room, pretty much empty, and the new professor walks up to us and gives us a greeting. "Hello, im Professor Downey, what are your names?" He asks, he very cute and polite, the opposite of Smith. Tobias decides to answer for us.

"Carmen, Parker, Harper, and im Tobias." Tobias said while pointing at each of us when he said our names. We all gave a week wave. Downey nods.

"Nice to meet you four. I hope I wont have any trouble with any of you." Downey said kind of joking, but not if that makes sense.

"So... We can sit anywhere for now?" I pipe up. I see Downey think for a second.

"I don't think ill be giving assigned seats anyways, so sure." He says crossing his arms. Best professor ever! I think to myself.

"Okay, thanks!" I said, then walking over to a seat as my friends follow. After a couple of minutes, the room starts to fill. Then the class starts.

"Okay class, im Professor, or Mr. Downey to you. You can call me either, I don't care. I don't do nicknames, so you have to deal with me calling you by your real name. We are going to do work in this class, fun or not, it gets done...." As he is boring us to death, I see that he has two sides to him. The teacher side and the nice side. I don't like the teacher side to be honest, but ive dealt with Smith so, he cant be that bad. As im thinking to myself, I hear someone calling me back to earth. "Ms. Harper!" Downey says firmly, I snap out of my daydream.

"Yes, Mr. Downey?" I ask innocently, he gave me a frustrated teacher face. What did I do?

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked, damn it, I wasn't paying attention and he knows that, and called me out on it! God, I hate when teachers do that. I decide not to fight it, so I shake my head no. He does a cocky nod, if that's a thing. "That's what I thought, pay more attention, Ms. Harper." I also hate when people call me "Ms." im a freaking teenager, not adult! He starts talking again, and this time I act like I listen, I think that's the point of acting class, right? To act, not actually do? Yeah, I think so. He seems to become more nice as class goes on, which is good. Maybe when he gets nervous, he acts mad or frustrated? Hopefully.

Its about the end of the day, and he dismissed us, well, not all of us. "Ms. Harper?" I hear Downey ask. Ugh, what now? I walk over to him, putting on my fake smile.

"Yes, Mr. Downey?" I said like I said earlier.

"Were you zoning out like that with your other professor?" He asked.

"Actually, yes. I have a problem with zoning out, nothing really keeps my attention." I confess because if I didn't, I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

"Okay, just to let you know, I know your probably ticked off, but im just trying to help. You want to become an actor, right?" He asks, I nod. "I don't think you can do that while acting, right Ms. Harper?" Whats with him calling me "Ms." and everyone else by just their names!? Forget it, im saying something.

"Not to be rude or anything, but can you please stop calling me "Ms. Harper?"" His expression changes right away, uh oh, did I let out pissy Mr. Downey?

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't know I was even calling you that." I could've sworn he was gonna blow after I said that, I guess I was wrong, like everyone proves me to be. "Your dismissed, Harper." I nod, and walk out.

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