Wait.... What???

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As soon as Parker and the bitch walk in, I hear my own heartbeat. "Nice of you to join us Parker and Cameron. Now lets have a talk..." The principal says, we all take a seat. Parker and Cameron look relaxed, while me and Robert are very tense. "So, we have two witnesses for an illegal relationship...." The principal says, looking in my direction. "Is that true?"
"Of course it is true! Why would we lie!?" Cameron speaks up.
"I need to hear it from them!"
"We are friends, sir." I said, remembering 'deny, deny, deny.'
"Is that true, Downey?" Robert just nods in response, then Parker interferes.
"Sir, Harper told me personally, that her and Mr. Downey are in a relationship. They have kissed before..." Thats when me and Robert both die inside.
"THEY WHAT NOW!?!?!" Cameron screeches.
"Cameron! Unnecessary! Think of this like court.... Im the judge, and you are your own lawyers. There is nothing suspicious on camera, and we need proof. Unless they admit. So, Robert and Harper, have you kissed before?" The principal asks.
"We have not, sir. I also dont recall telling Parker anything about this situation." I say, remaining calm, but Parker explodes.
"SHES LYING!!!! She even told me herself that i deserve to know! Ive told Downey to back off because i didnt approve! You have to believe me!!!"
"I cant believe if theres no proof..."
"Brownies..." Everyone pauses and looks at Cameron.
"What about brownies?"
"Harper, she gave him brownies yesterday... No occasion either...." Shit.
"Is that true?" Me and Robert nod. "Why did you give him brownies?"
"BECAUSE THEY ARE AN ITEM!!!" Cameron and Parker both shout.
"You know what!? OUT OF MY OFFICE YOU TWO!!!!" They both roll their eyes and leave. "Listen, i know you two are an item, im just tired of all the tattle tailing."
"You what? How???"
"Im old, ive seen it all. The way two people light up when they see eachother, how one always goes to see the other. Leaving the school, together. Its kind of obvious if you ask me..."
"Im guessing that im fired then...." Robert says sadly. The principal laughs and shakes his head, while me and Robert are confused.
"No. I knew for a long time and i didnt fire you.... I know its a harmless relationship, and i know its illegal but i cant stop love so.... Enjoy eachother. This meeting is dismissed..."
"Thank you sir!" Me and Robert say in unison. We walk out very happily and continue our day like nothing just happened.

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