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I got back from New York late last night, and i hear my alarm going off. BEEP BEEP BEEP! I hit it so hard, it falls to the floor next to me. I dont feel like putting it back, but i do anyways. I get up, lazily. I pick out an outfit and get dressed. Im a little frightened to go to work, or school, whatever you want to call it. I honestly have no clue who wrote that note. Most of all, i wonder how mad Harper will be. She texted me yesterday wondering where i was. I wasnt allowed to answer. I pack my bag, grab my keys and drive to school, or work.
Today Robert should be back. But i now have no partner for the presentation, i hope he wont assign me to Tobias. That would be awkward. I decided to wear my navy blue Levis shirt, Levis in red lettering. A pair of dark wash jeans, like usual. I grab my trusty Nikes and black watch. I grab my bag and keys and go to school, i wonder how today is going to turn out.
I arrive at the school, early like i should and thank god i see his car is here today. I walk into his room and he looks at me with relief, he walks over to me and hugs me, i hug back. "Um, hey." I say while im still in his embrace.
"Hey." He doesnt seem too happy, then we break the hug.
"Robert, whats wrong?" I ask, setting my stuff down on the desk next to me.
"Sorry i missed class yesterday, i had to, um, i had to go see a very, uh, a very sick family member..." He struggles to say, but he doesnt know that i know the truth.
"Robert..." He looks right into my eyes. "I know." I continue, he gives me a questioning look.
"You know?" He asks.
"I know why you werent here yesterday. Tobias told me everything, you went to New York."
"Tobias?" He asks, i nod with an eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, Tobias. Why?" He looks around for something, then closes his door.
"Okay listen, im not supposed to be telling you this, but, the day before yesterday, i got a note in the mail. It said stuff about i need to be out of the picture for Romeo and Juliet so i can be Harpers partner. And if i show up or tell you that they will hurt you. So i basically got threatened, thats why i went to New York. And you said Tobias told you, it must have been him..." He says, im shocked that Tobias actually threatened him. "Im guessing Tobias is your partner today, right?" He continues.
"He was yesterday, then he told me why you werent here, then he apologized and said that we dont have to be partners. So we arent partners anymore..."
"Did you find a new partner yet?" He asks. I shake my head no. "So that means you need one."
"Yeah, but i dont know who." He gives me a smirk, oh no. "Oh no, your not actually thinking.." I say surprised that would even run through his mind, i see him nod, still with a smirk. "But, what if people get suspicious?"
"I will give a lecture about how this is completely professional, the kiss should mean nothing, so its okay."
"And you know that will work?"
"If it doesnt, and i have to talk to the principal, ill have you as my "witness"." He says, im not against the idea, but im still not entirely sure. By his facial expression, i can tell that he knows im still thinking about it. "You dont want to fail this assignment, right?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"No, but what about Tobias?" I ask.
"He already knows about us, and the note said nothing about how i cant still be around you any other day, so dont worry about it. Now will you please be my partner? I swear everything will be fine!" I think about it for a second and sigh in defeat.
"Alright, fine..." I see a grin form on his face, and he looks at the clock and realizes the time.
"Almost time for class. You know what that means..." He says, im a little confused at first, then i remember why i come early everyday. "Yeah, that. Did you forget?" He asks sarcastically. I give him a playful push.
"I guess its really time, because i guess i was just zoning out now so...." I say, hes still grinning, then i feel he brings me closer to him, our noses very close to touching. Then we inch closer and kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, and his are around my waist. We break off and perfect timing, the bell rings. I grab my stuff from the desk and walk to my desk, he also walks to his desk, with a huge smile on his face. Then the room is now full of students.
Everyone is happy that Downey is back and blah blah blah. Then we start Romeo and Juliet presentations. Before i know it, its my turn, and everyone gives me weird looks about who my partner is. Tobias is a little annoyed, but whatever, he partners with a girl who was absent yesterday. I walk up to Downey and we say our lines. He then pulls me towards him, like a guy and a girl at the end of a dance, and he leans over and kisses me. The class gives me weird looks for the rest of the day, but nobody asked or was suspicious, so thats good. Tobias is still angry though, but i dont care, i dont like him like i like Downey. Thats all that matters to me. 

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