About The Past

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I drive home and turn my tv on, no homework and im exhausted. Then i get a text.
Hey, its been six minutes, so this means im not desperate. Anyways, wanna go to dinner? Tonight i mean, i know a great place with Italian food.
Hes such a child. I start typing really fast.
Five was an estimate, your still desperate. But sure ill have dinner. What time and place?
Wow, i cant believe you called me desperate, i waited a whole six minutes to talk to you, its tough. And ill pick you up around five. I need your address though.
He's definitely a child, but i like him. I text him my address and pick out something decent to wear. I chose a nice ocean blue blouse, black dress pants with black flats. I straighten my hair so it also looks decent. No make up though, never. I look at the time and he should be here at any second, so i grab some money and keys, and walk out. I see a nice black audi and a nice looking Robert leaning against it, with a big smile on his face. Hes wearing a white dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black formal pants, black dress shoes, and a teal and green striped tie. He looks really nice, i can kind of see his biceps, hes really muscular. I snap out of my trance when i hear my name. "Harper? You awake?" Robert says with a grin.
"Yeah, sorry. Um, hi." He chuckles.
"You look great by the way. Ive never seen you dress fancy before." I blush.
"Thanks, i havent worn this since senior year of high school, so two years ago. And you look amazing too!" I say a little nervously.
"No problem, and i figured you liked my outfit since you day dreamed about me, again." He said. Geez, does he have mind powers or something? Or is it that obvious?
"How did you know?"
"Magical powers, but i see my method is wearing off so-" he cuts off and kisses me in surprise. He draws away and opens the car door for me, i get in while he sprints to the other side and starts the car. "Better now? I dont want you day dreaming at dinner." He says smirking.
"So far so good. And also, nice car. Talk about luxury!" I say, looking around his car. I hear him chuckle.
"Yeah, i really like audis. What kind of car do you drive?" He asks.
"Lets save the questions for dinner, i dont want to run out of them and it be all awkward silence and stuff." I say, i see him make a childish pouty face.
"Fine. But thats gonna make the rest of the car ride awkwardly silent so..." He makes a point.
"Okay then, lets listen to music." I say, i press the little play button in his car, and it plays a Breaking Benjamin song. I dont know all of their songs by name, but i know its them. "Nice taste i see."
"You like Breaking Benjamin?" He asks with some surprise in his voice.
"Uh, yeah! They are one of my favorite bands!" I say like he shouldve known. Then we both start singing our lungs out, sounding like lunatics, even though he has a nice voice. We arrive at a place called DiAngelos. Definitely italian. He gets out and runs to my side, opening the door for me, what a gentleman. He locks his car and shoves his hands in his pockets, and we are both walking towards the entrance. Again, being a gentleman, he holds the door for me. We get seated and start looking at the menu.
"So, what look interesting?" He asks me, still looking at his menu.
"Chicken parm, what about you?"
"Same!" He says excitedly like a child. He makes me laugh though. The waiter takes our orders, then Robert starts asking me questions like hes a machine gun firing at a hard to shoot target. "Does your family live around here? Do you have any siblings? Have you lived here for a long time-" I cut him off.
"Woah there, slow down. One at a time please." I say chuckling.
"Okay, sorry. Does your family live around here?"
"Yes, they live a couple of blocks away from me."
"A brother named Thomas. He moved to a different state a couple of months ago though, so i barely see him anymore."
"Oh, what did he look like?"
"For one, he is twenty three, and he is tall, fit, dark brown hair that covers his forehead, blue eyes, clean shaved, and he usually wears athletic wear."
"He sounds cool, was he a good brother, or didnt usually care to hang out with you?"
"Unlike most siblings, we got along great. We acted more like friends then siblings. Once in a while we would kid around, but thats normal. Also very few arguments."
"He sounds like the best. Have you lived here your whole life?"
"No, my family came from Dallas a couple years ago because of my grandmother..."
"Your grandmother?" I dont know if im ready to tell him, but i guess i should, i can trust him. Right?
"Um, ya my grandmother. When i was young, she got diagnosed with breast cancer..." Oh god, i just made it awkward.
"Oh my god, thats terrible! Is she okay now? If you dont mind me asking..." I see why i trust him.
"I hope so... She had her ups and her downs, but then the summer after sixth grade, she got bad. And late fall, early winter in seventh grade, she uh... She past.." I said, now im sad.
"Oh, Harper, im sorry, i didnt know, i shouldnt have asked..."
"No no! Its fine, you deserve to know. Your helping me out and we should get to know eachother! Dont feel bad, she isnt suffering anymore is what i think." I see him smile, but its faint.
"Alright, moving on to a happier subject, you have a boyfriend?" Im surprised at his question. Then he continues. "Im sorry i asked, you probably do..."
"No, i dont have a boyfriend, i dont remember when the last time i was on a date to be honest..." Back to awkwardness.
"Im surprised, a lady like you, i thought for sure you would have a boyfriend. Im not trying to offend you either-" i cut him off.
"You didnt offend me, i like people, just dont have the courage to ask them out..."
"Why not? Are they taken or something?"
"Obviously not since im here with them right now..." Wait, why did i say that out loud!? I see him grinning now, crap.
"Now who says im not taken...."
"Oh, i didnt know! I thought this was like a date or something and wait! If your taken why did you kiss me???"
"Im kidding, im not taken. And this is kind of a date, i guess. Unless you dont want it to be..."
"Oh, phew! And i dont mind it being a date, i honestly didnt know you liked me, i know we kiss but i thought that was just to help me pay attention...."
"A lot of people dont pay attention, i dont kiss them. Especially since some are guys, but i like you."
"Oh, thanks, i like you too. Do you mind if i ask you questions too?" He shakes his head. "Okay, what made you want to become a professor?"
"I decided that, acting includes a lot of attention and drama, so i decided to do what i love, by teaching it instead of actually being it. And im glad i chose to be a professor, or i wouldnt have met you..." Great, he made me blush again, then our food came. We started eating, it was delicious.
"Have any kids?" I ask while eating.
"No, ive never had kids or a wife."
"Oh ok. Did you grow up here?"
"No, i grew up in New York, and moved here for acting. My dad is kind of in the acting business so."
"Oh nice, whats your fathers name?"
"Robert Downey." I give him a confused look at first, then i give him a grin. "What? Its true."
"I never knew you were a junior! Its a little funny and cute at the same time!" I start laughing a little.
"Yes, im Robert Downey Jr. Why is it funny?"
"Because i dont see you as a junior. But i think its cute."
"Well thats good to hear." We finish our chicken parm, then he pays, i tried to help but he didnt budge. Then we walked back to his car and he started driving. "So what kind of music do you like, i see you obviously like Breaking Benjamin, but i want to know more."
"I like pretty much all kinds, my least favorite would be rap and hip hop and that. I like mainly rock, heavy metal, pop, classical, some jazz, etc. Country isnt bad either. What kind of music do you like?" I ask repeating his question.
"My favorites are rock, jazz, and classical. So you have good taste." We finally get back to my apartment, i go to get out of his car until im stopped. "Wait, you never answered my question from earlier."
"I dont remember, what did you ask?"
"What kind of car do you drive?"
"Oh, right, i drive a mustang. And most of those questions you asked me tonight, youve already asked me i noticed."
"What!? When, i dont remember that!"
"One day before class started. It actually just occurred to me now so. Plus, i asked you repeated questions too so, its okay."
"Oh okay. See you tomorrow morning, Harper. Have a good night." He says as i shut his car door after getting out.
"Thanks, you too, Robert!" He then drives away, and i go to bed.

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