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I wake up from a nightmare about my friends back stabbing me about something, not important. I look at my clock and... Oh god! Im late!!! Why didnt my alarm go off? I sprung out of bed, threw a random outfit on my bed, got dressed, only brushed my hair because there is no time, brushed my teeth for only like two seconds, didnt wash my face, grabbed a granola bar to go, grabbed my keys and left.
I arrived at school, its about twenty minutes in, crap im gonna get in trouble. I walk in the building and already got a scolding from an office lady telling me to go to class immediately before i get into anymore trouble. I gently and slowly open the door to the classroom as everyone stared at me, but i didnt see Robert. Thats weird, then i saw this ugly old guy standing in the front of the classroom as i made my way to my seat. He had longer grey/white hair, his back looked messed up, he had terrible facial hair, huge glasses, and he wore a freaking cardigan! He had so many wrinkles that he looked like a human shar pei. "Ms, why are you late?" He asked, i look at the board to see his name.
"Im sorry, Mr. Lugge,(pronounced looje) i slept a little later than i intended to." I apologize, not making eye contact.
"What would your professor say about this behavior?" He asked. Hes like a substitute math teacher talking to an obnoxious kid!
"He would be a little upset, but then let it go. But ive never been late so i wouldnt know for sure." He just nods, then goes back to teaching while everyone is still staring at me. I lean over to Parker. "Parker, wheres Downey?" I whisper, trying not to get caught.
"I heard that he wasnt feeling great, but its not like him to skip a day, even if he feels like hes going to die, so i dont know." He whispers back, i just nod and act like im paying attention to the fool we call our substitute. I then see Tobias looking at me, smiling. Okay.. Thats weirder than usual, then i hear something important from the fool, i mean lovely substitute.
"Your professor told me to practice acting today. We are doing a part in Romeo and Juliet. So everyone get a partner thats opposite gender, if theres not enough, then some people will have to go twice." Everyone bursts up and looks around, i see Tobias walk over to me.
"Wanna be partners?" He asks. Great.(hint the sarcasm)
"Sure..." I said unsure. I stand up next to him, and then everyone finds a partner. Parker got his crush as a partner, good for him. Carmen got the person she hates, i feel bad for her, and i got Tobias, yay me.
"Okay class, here are your lines. Obviously the girls are Juliet, and the boys are Romeo. I suggest you practice, because tomorrow you will be presenting, and no partner change. Any questions?" Carmen shoots up her hand. The fool points to her.
"What if we dont really like our partner, no offense." She looks at her partner while she says "no offense."
"You shouldve thought of that before then..." That was rude. He kind of reminds me of an uglier version of Smith, and trust me, Smith wasnt pretty. "Anymore questions? No? Okay, begin." We all take a script with the scene on it, then we go through it in our heads a little bit before actually acting out. I realize this is when Romeo and Juliet kiss... Im a little thankful Robert isnt around. He would probably try to kill Tobias if he saw him even hug me... Wait, he will be here tomorrow, oh god. Before we actually start i hear Tobias' voice.
"Do you know why Downey isnt here?" He asks.
"No, i heard he was sick but im not sure if thats true..."
"Can i trust you?"
"Yes of course, your one of my best friends. Why?" He pauses, sighing before speaking.
"I know about you and.... Him." My eyes widen, did he tell!? No, he couldnt have!!
"Uh, y-you do?" I stutter.
"Its okay, i didnt tell." I sigh of relief until he continues. "But..." Uh oh, thats not good.
"But what Tobias!?" I almost yell, then everyone looks at me with concern, i wave them off.
"But, i do have something to do with him not being here...." He what!? What did he do!?!? I swear to god, if he hurt him, wait, why am i getting so defensive? Its not like we are dating or something, last night was just a friendly thing, right? I dont know...
"What, what did you do exactly?" I ask through my clenched jaw. I think he got a little frightened for a moment. "Also, why?!"
"Nothing important, and you know why!"
"What did you do, Tobias!? And no, i dont know why!"
"Stop this! I didnt hurt him!!! And you dang well know why!!! If you dont, then your freaking blind cuz i love you, okay!?" I froze after he said that, i knew he liked me and had a little crush on me, but love!? Im also relieved, i thought he killed Robert or something. Then i realized that a girl was absent, she made the class uneven. So if Robert was here, then he probably wouldve been partners with someone, oh, i get it now, and so did Tobias....
"Listen, Tobias, we are friends, and if you didnt hurt him, why cant you tell me?"
"Because i cant believe that i sabotaged..." At least he felt bad.
"Okay, but your still not telling me." He sighed.
"Alright, i put something in his school mailbox saying something about free vacation for one. He must have took it, so hes probably in NYC right now..." My eyes widen from surprise, why didnt he text me?
"Im surprised he didnt contact me..."
"He cant, the catch was no electronics. He will be back tomorrow to see our presentation though.." What the hell!?
"You planned this." I said angry at him.
"I really like you, Harper. I heard about you two and my heart exploded. I wanted at least one chance to feel you like me back, i thought if i got him away for a day you would realize im not invisible..." He said that and i felt guilty.
"Tobias, your not invisible.. I will always be your friend, and please dont say that im putting you in the friend zone. I. An help you find someone better.."
"But, your who i like, nobody else. Ive tried to find someone, its not as fun as hanging out with you.."
"You didnt give them a chance..." Then the bell rings for us to leave.
"Yes i did, thanks for trying to make me feel better anyway. Dont worry, ill let Downey be your partner tomorrow if you want, ill just find a different one." Then he grabs his stuff and leaves without looking back. I grab my stuff, and just walk to my car, driving home without any emotion and silence. I wonder why Robert took the vacation.
After dinner, i saw that i had mail, weird, i checked it earlier and brought it in, why is there more? I opened the envelope and read what it said, and i got scared.
If you dont go on the flight to NYC by tomorrow morning, i will hurt Harper, you text her your going or contact her in any way possible before and during, i will hurt Harper. Get what im telling you here? I need you out of the picture for a day, ive loved her way longer than you have. Then you come into her life and mess things up for me! If i know you know who i am, i will hurt Harper also. And trust me, i dont want to hurt Harper. But i will if you get in my way tomorrow for Romeo and Juliet. So i suggest you be wise, old man. See you in two days.
I cant believe what i just read. Im not risking anything, im going to do what the note says, i just wonder who it is. I guess ill find out in two days... I hope Harper doesnt hate me...
Sorry i havent updated in awhile, im just frustrated about school, ugh. Anyways i hope you liked this chapter, i thought about it and thought i should add some drama to it to make things interesting, so tell me your opinions! What will happen when Robert comes back? Ill try to update tomorrow. Im also getting ideas for new fan fics, im gonna start a crazy one towards the end of this one, ill tell you the title of it when i start writing it. Thanks guys!!!

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