Is The Problem Solved?

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I walk into my apartment after what just happened. I realized that my phone was ringing, i went to go answer it but i got a missed call from a no name. I dont know who it was, but i call the number back anyways, and a man answers.
Me- Hello?
Man- So, is your problem solved yet? Or will you have to wait until tomorrow in class to see?
Now its pretty obvious that its Robert.
Me- How did you get my number?
Robert- Paperwork. So is your problem solved or what?
Me- I only zone out in school, so i dont know yet.
Robert- Okay, thats all i wanted to know. See you tomorrow in class, Harper.
Me- See you tomorrow, im gonna save your number as a contact so you cant freak me out or prank me.
Robert- Alright. Darn i wouldve too!
Me- Haha, anyways, bye.
Robert- Bye.
All i have i to do is wait for tomorrow, i hope it worked. Will he actually go through with the ugly thing or not? I dont know. Im just going to make dinner, then go to bed.
~Next Morning~
I wake up to my annoying alarm and text my friends that ill be earlier then them. I put on my navy blue and red Levis tshirt, some dark wash jeans, and my Nikes. I also grab my black and white fedora, i dont feel like doing my hair. I grab my satchel and keys and leave my apartment.
After about ten minutes of driving, im at college. I walk into Roberts room and he is at his desk doing paperwork. I sit at my desk and listen to music, typing my screenplay again. About five minutes later, i see Robert standing in front of my desk. "Morning, Mr. Downey."
"Good morning, Harper. Your not going to tell anyone about yesterday, right?" He asks, his eyes look like puppy eyes.
"Nope, are you?" I ask taking my earbuds out and closing my laptop.
"Okay, good." He says, then quickly leans over my desk and kisses me. It happened so fast i couldnt process anything until he pulled away.
"Um, what was that all about?" I ask, still processing.
"Do you know what a kiss is?" He asked sarcastically.
"Of course i do, but why?"
"Because i like you. Im sorry if i offended you or something."
"No no, its just, you suddenly kissed me. Caught me by surprise, thats why i didnt kiss back." I explain, my voice shaky.
"Its supposed to help with your problem."
"How is making me want you more, going to help? Ill just daydream more."
"We will see. I have to go before class starts." He says, walking back to his desk.
Class started, and honestly, i think it worked. Im actually paying attention, then i get called on. "Harper, who created Romeo and Juliet?" He asks me, the class turns to me.
"Shakespeare." I say confidently, i see him smile.
"Correct, good work, Harper." Yep, i think it worked. Class ends, and i stay in my seat while everyone rushes out. "Im guessing it worked." I hear Robert say, looking at papers on his desk. I get up, grab my satchel, and walk towards the door.
"Yeah, i guess you were right." I see him grin, then i go to open the door, the he stops me.
"Going so soon?" He asks.
"Yes, problem solved, i dont have to stay after anymore, right?"
"Maybe the problem is solved for now. But how will we know it will stay that way from now on?"
"I dont know, what do you have in mind?"
"Everyday, you come to school early, and stay after. Then ill do my magic, BOOM! Problem solved until you graduate." I laugh at his enthusiasm and confidence.
"How about, i come to school early, no after school..."
"Is after school a problem?"
"I have a life, Mr. Downey. And i like that life."
"Im not saying you dont, im just trying to help."
"Okay, but why after school? I dont have to pay attention when i get out of school."
"You drive, you cook, etc. You cant zone out while doing those things."
"I only zone out during school, so i think morning will cut it." He makes a childish pouty face.
"Ill stay some days, not all. Just so you will stop acting like a child." He claps like a little kid.
"Yay!!!" I roll my eyes, then he walks over to me and gives me a hug.
"Whats this about?" I say in his shoulder.
"I still like you. Why, you dont like me?"
"I like you, its just that im an awkward hugger." I hear him chuckle softly. "What!? Its true!"
"I believe you, your stomach isnt even close to me. Your like leaning forward instead of leaning on me." After he says that, i feel his hand on my back, forcing me to move closer. "Now this, this is a real hug."
"It feel awkward to me, this is why im not a hugger."
"Wow, is it that bad!?"
"No, dont be offended! I do this to everyone!"
"Well i thought i was special...."
"My family is special, they get the same reaction."
"Fine, ill let go." He lets go, now i feel better.
"I have to go home and do homework, so see you tomorrow before class."
"Okay...." He says in a disappointed tone.
"Your going to text or call me, arent you?" I say, squinting my eyes at him.
"Ill have my phone around me, but dont call in five minutes, then ill think that your desperate."
"I am not!" He says defensively.
"Ya okay, bye Mr. Downey." I say sarcastically, then walk to my car.

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