We Are Free

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Ive decided that im going to end it this chapter, i feel its kind of been a drag lately but dont worry, ill continue My Idol and i have MANY more ideas for other fanfics so keep an eye out for when i start a new one after this. Thanks guys, i really appreciate the love i get for my work!
I woke up before my alarm today because im excited for graduation. A week ago, Robert helped me pick out my dress. (Even though im going to end up wearing a college robe anyways) I spend a hell of a time getting ready. Carmen picked me up and we took a picture and posted it on every social media site there is. She rented a limo so we can make a grand entrance.
We arrived at graduation and Robert looks even better than usual in his tuxedo. (If it was even possible he could look any better) He wastes no time grabbing hand and giving it a brief squeeze. I give him a confused look because we are out in public but he doesnt seem to be phased at all. "Its graduation day and the principal doesnt care about our relationship, plus im going to make a speech about you at the end." He whispered in my ear then gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Awww you dont have to do that.."
"I want everyone to know that im the luckiest guy to have you in my world, even better as my girlfriend." I blush at his response. We walk in to the huge, dark, and loud room and take our seats. Its been forever since me and Parker have talked, the last time was when he tried to get Robert fired.... Me and Tobias are still friends, but not like we used to be. I love how Tobias is more understanding and forgiving than Parker. Me and Carmen have been friends since i came here, nothings changed.
The principal calls Carmens name and she walks up with a little strut, surprise surprise. She gets her diploma and goes up to the microphone. "Hell everyone! It has been a great four years here! Ive managed to keep my bestfriends, Harper and Tobias, and im grateful for that. Im also grateful because this college got me to my dream job, im going to be a fashion designer for Coach! Thank you everybody for this experience and have the best life you can dream of!!!!" She wraps up, everyone stands and claps, some whistle.
A few more names were called then it was Tobias' turn. He went up and got his diploma and started his speech. "I want to start off by thanking everyone in this place. Especially my friend Carmen and my crush Harper. In high school i wasnt the best student and i didnt try in some classes, but when college came and i met them, i changed for the better. Thanks to them, im going to be a motivational speaker, so. Thank you Carmen and Harper. I love you!" He ended, i see many girls cry and everyone else stand and clap, i shed a tear too. I still feel kind of bad that i cant return those feelings to him, but im glad that we are friends. Right after Tobias was Parker, im the last in our friend group to speak, im also the youngest, but it doesnt matter. Parker walks up and takes his diploma and gives his speech.
"First off, i want everyone to know a couple of things about me... One, i made mistakes in high school that cant be changed. Two, ive also made those mistakes in college." He paused, i see him... Crying? He then continues with a shaky voice. "Those mistakes were losing the love of my life..." Everyone gasps and again, some girls cry. I knew about high school, but college? "In high school, i was used. Me and the dean, yes, the dean were an item. I loved her so much, but i found out that she didnt love me back... She was using me so she can prove to her friends that she had a boyfriend. The day she dumped me was very hard. But not as hard as when i found out something this year in college. My old friend, Harper, told me one day that she was in a relationship with a man. Man, not boy... His name is Mr. Downey, and i never told her or showed her how much i loved her...." Is he actually saying this!? "I didnt approve of her new relationship, i didnt tell her that i loved her, but i told her to break it off for our friend, Tobias. She didnt listen, i tried so hard to break it off, but she won in the end, so did Mr. Downey. After today, im going to be a detective and try and forget about my past and create a new present. Im not going to congratulate myself, im going to congratulate Harper and Mr. Downey. And lastly, Mr. Downey, take care of Harper...." He then walks off the stage and leaves the building, never to be seen again...
When it came to my turn, Robert came up with me. I got my diploma and went to the microphone. "Im going to start this off by saying the truth to everyone. Yes, me and Mr. Downey are a couple, we have been for most of this year now. If Parker stayed for the rest of this graduation, i would tell him that i care about him, maybe not as much as he cared about me though.... Carmen, she has been there for me all the way through, and im grateful for that. Tobias, i care about him too, but i want him to understand that if we were to be a couple, i couldnt give him as much love as he will for me..... Mr. Downey didnt force anything on me, we just liked eachother from the start.... I want to thank all of them because now im going to be an actress, while Mr. Downey is with me, maybe he acting too. Or maybe he will continue teaching. No matter what, Mr. Downey, Carmen, and Tobias will be in my future. Maybe one day, me and Parker will meet again and we can go back to being friends. But until all of that comes, i want everyone to know that i appreciate them, thank you all and now Mr. Downey is going to give a speech also." Everyone claps and says 'awww.'
"Its true, she just left out one small detail..." Robert begins, everyone is wondering what, even me. "She left out probably something she doesnt even know yet, but its true to me and i hope she feels the same. We have had some bumps this year since its not exactly 'legal' to date a student, but that never stopped us. I also want to thank our principal because he didnt fire me.... But back on track, that one detail is that... Harper?" He asks, turning to me and taking my hands in his, i swear to god if he proposes...
"Yes?" I ask, my voice very faint because im about to cry.
"Harper, im in love with you. I havent said it to you because i was waiting for the perfect moment, so i decided now. Harper, do you love me back?" Oh my god. Now the crowd is crying tears of joy and saying 'awwww.'
"Robert, of course i do!!!" I say giving him a hug and bursting into tears. We let go and he kisses me in front of everyone, then we go back to our seats, hand in hand.
After the ceremony i meet Carmen and Tobias before i go back home with Robert. "Great speech, Robert. You definitely deserve her, as well as she deserves you. And dont worry, i wont steal Harper away from you." Tobias says, Robert chuckles.
"Thanks Tobias. Great speech by the way. You too Carmen."
"Thanks, Robert. You two are adorable! I want to be the maid of honor of your wedding!" Carmen says, obviously joking because we are definitely waiting on marriage.
"Ill make a note of that." I say.
"Well, Mrs. Downey, do you think we should head home?" Robert says, chuckling as i hit his arm playfully while laughing. "Hey, it has a ring to it..." He adds.
"Yeah, it does but lets wait on that name, shall we?" I say. We say goodbye to Carmen and Tobias and head home. Oh right i forgot, i moved in with Robert about a month ago. And i know what you pr thinking, nothing has happened yet. But we are happy either way and this was my college experience.
Well, thats the end of my first fanfic! I hope you enjoyed it! Please read My Idol if you enjoyed this one and my next one will be called He Brought Us Together. Yes, it will have Robert and he will be famous in it. Im going to start it very soon so thanks guys and love Downey!

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