Movie Night

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The rest of the day was normal, I definitely didnt mind the presentation, and nobody else did thank god. I go home and i get a text from somebody. I look at it and its Romeo himself.
Hey, wanna hang out tonight?
Already? Really Robert? I start typing.
Sure, when?
Like, a second after i texted that, he texted back. Desperate much? Haha, just joking.
Now, you could come over and i dont know, watch tv and have pizza and ice cream or something like that?
Yeah sure, ill be over in ten.
Okay, ill be expecting you.
I grab my keys and lock my apartment door, then i walk out to my car and i see someone familiar. Its... Its Tobias.... What now? "Hey, Harper."
"Hey, Tobias. What ya doing here if you dont mind me asking?"
"I just wanted to know if we are still friends. Im sorry i got a little jealous..."
"We can, just please dont threaten Robert again? And just know, i only want to be friends. Okay?"
"Of course! And like i said, im sorry, it was very rude of me."
"Your forgiven, now i have to go, talk to you later, okay?"
"Alright, have fun wherever your going!" I wave him off and get into my car and head to Roberts place. I walk up to his door and before i can knock on it, it swings open. I jump by surprise.
"Sorry, didnt mean to startle you. Come in." He apologizes and gestures me to come in. "I ordered the pizza already, and you have a choice between chocolate or cookies and cream ice cream." He says as we sit on his comfy couch.
"Thats a tough decision. What kind of pizza?" He gives me confused look.
"Um.. Regular? I guess." I start laughing.
"So, no toppings?" I ask, still kind of laughing, he realizes my question now.
"Right, i was wondering what you meant." He now starts to laugh. "So, what movie do you want to watch?"
"Hm... How about The Heat? I hear that was funny."
"Isnt it rated R?" I laugh at his question, but soon realize that he is dead serious.

"Wait, your kidding, right?" He still has a serious face. "Yes, its rated R, whats the big deal?"
"I recommend we watch something like Finding Nemo." I cant help but laugh, he actually joins me this time. "Now im kidding. Actually, i was kidding before, The Heat it is." He turns on the tv and starts the movie. After about fifteen minutes into the movie, the pizza comes. We eat three quarters of the pizza. "Have you decided what flavor yet?" He asks, his chocolaty brown eyes sparkling in the darkness.
"Im thinking, cookies and cream." He nods, then walks into the kitchen. Two minutes later he is holding two bowls and hands one to me. "Thanks."
"Your welcome." We both start eating our ice cream and the movie finishes.
"Well, i think im gonna head home, its a school night." I see he makes a pouty face. "What?" I ask.
"Its only like, seven. Cant you stay a little longer?" Now he makes the puppy eyes, ugh.
"Alright, fine." I say sitting back down on the couch, he puts an arm over my shoulder and brings me closer to him. I eventually rest my head on his shoulder, i see him smile out of the corner of my eye. "I see you smiling, mister." I say and he brings his arm to his side and turns towards me.
"Is it illegal for me to smile in your law book?" He asks sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him.
"No, i was just saying." His smile returns. We just look into eachothers eyes for a minute until i feel our lips touching. I wrap my arms around his neck, his around my waist. We pull away to catch our breaths.
"Wanna stay the night?" He gives me the puppy dog eyes again.
"I wasnt prepared. Plus, once again, its a school night."
"Both problems solved, ill give you clothes to wear for the night, and you can still fall asleep early, its just a different bed. Ill also wake up early and get you an outfit."
"Fine, ill stay. You dont have to get me an outfit, ill wake up early and get one. Plus my bag is also there." He smiles again.
"Come." He grabs my hand and drags me to his room, he sits me down on the bed and looks through his closet. He throws me a plain black v-neck tshirt and a pair of white athletic shorts. I walk to the bathroom to change. I walk back into his room and its dark. I feel around for his bed and climb into it, i soon close my eyes. Until i feel a pair of hands wrap around my stomach and get pulled into someone. Well, not just someone, Robert. Okay, looks like im sleeping with him, but im fine with it. I roll over and wrap my arms around him, soon to figure out that hes only in his freaking boxers! "Your hands are cold, by the way." He says softly.
"Sorry, i didnt know that you were half naked!" I hear him chuckle. "Whats so funny?"
"Do you actually mind that im only wearing underwear?"
"Well, no. It just surprised me."
"You know, you dont have to wear the clothes i gave you..." He says deviously, no way mister, not falling for that.
"Haha, nice try, professor." I hear him sigh of disappointment. Then i hear him softly snore, then i start to drift off to sleep as well.
I decided for them to have another date, even though it wasnt really a date. I got the idea from downeylove65. If your not already, follow her, shes a big help and a great friend. Plus, her fanfics are amazing, in my opinion, better than mine. And yes, hers have Downey too. Anyways, im rambling, please tell me how you like this story so far, i want to know if its good, if its bad, or if its both. Thanks guys!

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