And who might you be?

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Ugh, im so tired from all this studying. Exams are coming up in a few weeks and its super stressful. Me and Robert havent been hanging out nearly as much. We both have a lot of prep to do for the exams. But its not like we dont hang out at all, we at least hang out for a couple hours twice a week. When the exams are over, soon this year will be over, and soon will be no more hiding. But i studied a lot in study hall today and maybe Robert and i can hang out tonight. Ill surprise him at the end of the day with his favorite desert, brownies.
The day ends so i walk to Roberts room with the brownies. I walk into the room not making a sound, but see him with a woman i dont recognize. He looks very uncomfortable around her, i think she might be... Flirting.... Oh hell no! I knock on the door furiously and they both whip their heads in my direction. "Oh sorry, am i interrupting something?" I ask with a death look towards the woman.
"Actually, me and Mr. Downey here were discussing important things. Privately. So...." Oh that bitch. I look over at Robert and hes shaking his head furiously, then i see the woman look at Robert then turn back to me.
"Oh yes Mr. Downey, you cant get out of important work..." She says with a smirk. From the corner of my eye i see Robert mouth 'Help me.' "Oh, are those brownies?" The bitch says, i just nod my head, still giving her my death look. "And who are those for?"
"Him." I point to Robert.
"Why would you be giving brownies to him, now?"
"Because he is my favorite teacher and i had already made them for my brothers birthday and we had leftovers so, i thought i would be nice." I lied, and said with a clenched jaw.
"Is that all your here for?" Ugh stop talking to me and leave. Neither of us want you here.
"I guess so..."
"Well, then just set the brownies on a desk and Mr. Downey will have them later, we have important things to discuss." Wow, your trying to make me leave? Bitch. I walk over and drop the brownies on the nearest desk, making Robert jump a little. Then i walk out of the room, the last look on the bitches face was a satisfied grin. Slut.
~Roberts POV~
I was working on prep for exams when there is a knock on my door. "Come in." I say with no emotion, still focused on my work, then i hear heels clicking on the floor, oh shit. It cant be... I lift my head up and i swear i die inside. "Cameron, make this quick, im busy." I say with a stern voice so she knows im not kidding.
"What sort of greeting was that now?" Ugh, bitch go away already! I thought i got rid of you a long time ago!!
"Listen, as you can see, im busy. And i need to get this done without any distractions, so-" i get interrupted, of course.
"Distractions.... So your distracted by me?" Slut. She damn well knew what i meant.
"Cameron, why are you here? And make it quick, like i said, im busy." I said coldly, trying to giver her a message that i dont want her here right now.
"Oh, ill make it quick all right..." She says as she lightly touches my arm, i twitch and move my arm away from her touch. I hear her sigh. "Robert, i havent been happy since we broke up..." Woah, woah, woah! Bitch, you left me!
"Cameron, i have a girlfriend. Im over you and we both know your only going to use me for sex so why bother?" We both hear knocking furiously and we look over at Harper. Shit.
After Harper leaves...
Cameron looks at me. "Who was she?"
"Isnt it obvious? One of my students. This discussion is over with, leave."
"Answer my questions first."
"No, leave. Now." She doesnt even move, but then she moves. Instead of away, closer to me... I jump up and walk to the phone to call security.
"Leave, or security will make you..."
"Robert, is that whore your new girlfriend?" Oh, shes dead. I clench my jaw so hard i might break teeth. My hands ball up into fists as the vein in my neck pops out. This is the exact reason why Cameron left. She thought i would abuse her when i got like this. I didnt, but if i would, she wouldve deserved it. She calmly stands up and walks out of my room, taking a brownie on the way, and biting it seductively. I just roll my eyes and relax, until i hear my classroom phone ring, not a good sign.
"Hello?" I ask to whoever is on the other line.
"Robert, tomorrow morning, you and your student Harper in my office, we need to discuss something important." My heart just dropped. It was Cameron, but how did she know Harpers name? Doesnt matter, i need to warn Harper and we need a plan to get out of this, lets just hope Parker doesnt get involved....
Hey guys, interesting chapter??? What will happen next? Spoiler, your going to hate me for a little while but i swear ill make it up to you by the end of this fanfic! Just please bear with me the whole way!!! Thanks guys!!!!

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