I'll Take That

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I woke up the next morning and forgot where I was for a minute, then it scared me even more when I felt another soul on this bed. Then I remember it was Robert. I quietly get up and off the bed. I grab my clothes and get dressed, brush my hair. I cant brush my teeth, but I have to stop home anyways. As I was getting ready to leave, I feel arms wrap around me, I woke him up. "Well, good morning, Harper! Bye, nice seeing you, thanks for last night, see you later!" He says in a sarcastic tone. I chuckle a little.

"Sorry, its just that, you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to bother you. Good morning, Rob. It was nice seeing you, thanks for last night, and see you later!" I apologized.

"You can me up anytime, I just don't want you to leave without saying goodbye. I think that's kind of rude..." He says the last part kind of like its a hint. I shake my head at him, then start to smile. I lean in and give him a goodbye kiss, then I head out to my apartment.

I arrive at school, not looking like I just got out of bed anymore, thank god. I walk in and I realized that Carmen wasn't here. I didn't come early because I already saw him this morning, so there are actually students in here, I see Tobias and Parker, but no sign of Carmen. Hm, weird. The bell already rang, but I get my phone out and text Carmen, Rob isn't looking so I need to do it quickly. Before I knew it, my phone was out of my hands and I look up to see Robert. "Harper, what was my phone rule again?" He asked in a professional tone, he is serious.

"Sorry Mr. Downey, its no phones in class without permission." He nods and puts my phone in his back pocket. Ugh, great, I need to get that back now. He starts walking away, darn, I was hoping he would've gave it back and say something like "This is a warning, don't let me see it again." Or something like that.

We were doing independent work, and I finished before everyone else. I decide to go to Roberts desk and ask for my phone. "Mr. Downey, may I please have my phone back? I need to see if my friend is okay quick." He looks away from his computer and at me with his teacher face, nothing near a smile.

"Your friend can wait, I know who your concerned about, she might just be sick, that's all. You can get your phone at the end of class like everyone else." He says, then he starts to grin, I sigh and walk away. Well, I know im not getting my phone without a fight. I decide to have a little fun while trying to get it back. I grin at my plan, then I stand up.

"Mr. Downey, I have a personal question to ask you, and only you." He looks at me, confused, I start laughing my butt on the inside, cuz this is going to be hilarious.

"Okay, lets go out in the hall then. The rest of you, keep working, we will be back in a second." He gets up and walks out in the hall. I follow him and close the door behind me. "Whats this about? You got me really frightened and embarrassed at the same time! In front of my class, might I add!" I couldn't help it anymore, I start laughing so much, he just looks more confused now. "Is this some kind of joke!?" He sounds furious, I stop immediately.

"Well, I really want my phone back." He gave me the 'really?' look. Then I see him smile deviously for a second, then I get a little less comfortable.

"Okay, you can have it back, but youll have to get it yourself, im too lazy to get it." He still has that smile on, im confused of why.

"Thank you, where is it?" I ask, shaking off why he is acting weird. Then he turns around so he isn't facing me, then I see my phone, in his freaking back pocket still. "Um, you can easily get that." I say.

"No, I cant reach." I roll my eyes.

"Then how did you put it in there earlier?" I ask, I think he was surprised I thought about it.

"It was easy to put it in, but taking it out is the hard part." I start bursting out laughing because I have a dirty mind. "Oh, shut up! You should be more mature than me by now." He says, annoyed. "If you want your phone, take it now or at the end of the day." He continues.

"For one, your the adult, Robert, so why should I be more mature? And second, you had it coming. Third, if you want me to touch your butt, just ask." I say chuckling. Then I grab my phone quickly from his back pocket and walk back into the room, him behind me.

"We will continue your question later." He says a little loudly so the class hears. Then people start asking me questions about what my question was. I simply said "None, of your business, it was personal for a reason you know." They gave up after that. Ten minutes after we came back into the room, it was freaking time to go! That was so pointless. I text Carmen while everyone leaves, as I stay in my seat.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, high school is starting to kick my ass a tiny bit. Plus I want to join some clubs and be more involved. But ill update whenever I have the chance and the ideas, I promise! Thanks guys for not hating me or my story! I hope you enjoyed.

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