I Dont Approve

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We are at lunch the next day and i realize that everyone of my friends knows besides Parker. Im surprised nobody has told him. I think ill tell him later, after school or something, i trust him enough. Its another normal day, me and Downey secretly flirt, luckily nobody suspects it but Tobias and Carmen. Then i told Parker to stay after school because i want to tell him.
I walk out of the school, telling Downey im not staying after, of course he makes a pouty face but i told him ill see him later. Me and Parker go to my apartment. "So, whats this about?" Parker asks, sitting on my couch while i grab some water for us.
"There is something ive been hiding from you, and i finally gathered the courage to tell you, so here we go." I sigh, he nods, then i continue. "You know Mr. Downey, correct?" I ask, he nods with a curious look on his face. "Well, me and him are... Well.... Dating....." His eyes grow wide and then he turns angry.
"Your what!?"
"Please dont be mad ive hid this from you..."
"Im not mad about that!"
"Then why are you mad!?" I ask, my voice starting to get louder.
"Because your dating someone probably triple your age!! And to make it worse, your professor!!!"
"Listen, im allowed to date who i want!!! Yes, i know its illegal, yes i know hes older, but he is nice and sweet and thoughtful, nobody my age is like that!!!!"
"What about Tobias?" He asks, his voice getting softer.
"What about him?" I say kinda coldly.
"Hes liked you since the first day he saw you, does he know? Plus, hes really nice and caring..."
"Of course he knows. And he threatened Downey, just to let you know!"
"Maybe because he is frustrated that it took only a week for you to fall for Downey, and you still havent fell for him..." Is he seriously defending Tobias!?
"Are you seriously defending him!? I dont care who you are, threatening is bad no matter what!"
"Im going to make this conversation a little shorter for you, im just saying that i dont approve." He says that and walks out of my apartment before i could say something else. I see i have zero support from him, only Carmen is okay with this... Parker isnt my dad though, he cant decide who i date. So even if he doesnt approve, im still going out with Downey. 

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