After School?

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After our question game, Mr. Downey just talked about god knows what. He will get my attention if we actually do some acting, I mean, I know its the second day, but still. Class is like, half done, but it feels like a year. "Harper?" I hear a voice say, and I snap out of my day dream.

"Uh, yes?"

"Your not paying attention again." Downey calls me out in front of the class, again.

"Oh, sorry, sir." Ugh, is he gonna hold me back, again? I asked myself. Then I see him giving me a confused look. What now?

"Sir?" He repeated what I said, but asking. I nod, now there is something wrong with calling him sir? God I cant wait until this class is over. "Please don't call me sir, im either Mr. Downey, or Professor Downey. Okay?" I sigh, then nod in agreement.

"Yes, Mr. Downey." I say behind clenched teeth. He nods and goes back to talking. I need to act like im paying attention more now.

Class ended, and everyone bolted out of the room, except I was held back, for the second time already. "I think you need help." Downey says.

"With what?" I ask, is he trying to make me punch him? That's kind of a rude thing to say to someone.

"Your daydreaming problem." He continues. I feel a tiny bit better, but not much.

"I know, I know, I need to work-" He cuts me off.

"No, you need more help than that, because you said that to me yesterday. How about, I help you?"

"I don't know...." Why would I want your help? You confuse me, man.

"You could use my help, you know. Im your teacher, I should be able to help all of my students."

"Then help Owen with his sleeping problem then!" I snap at him, I can see he was surprised.

"Owen, is not one of my favorite students, and plus, he obviously hates me. You, on the other hand, don't." He explains, wait, how does he know if I like him or not?!

"How do you know?" I ask. He gives me a sarcastic look like the answer is obvious.

"You would be more rude to me, and you wouldn't let me make you be held back while everyone else leaves. You wouldn't ask or answer questions. So, you don't hate me. And I don't hate you, even though it might seem like it sometimes."

"Maybe if you didn't call me out in front of the whole class, I might be nice to you all the time!"

"I call you out, because you need to snap out of your daydreams and step into the real world!!! I want you to succeed and you make it difficult!" He started to raise his voice.

"Well im sorry that its hard to keep my attention why im listening to something that is super boring! Try being me for a day, you would zone out often too, you know!!!" I raise my voice too.

"Listen, Im trying to help you, and I want you to cooperate. Just stay after, one time, and see if I help. Please?" He is now speaking softly. I think about it for a moment.

"Alright, but for one day, if It doesn't help, or I hate it, then im not doing it ever again, got it?" He nods, and I take a seat, then text my friends, to let them know I cant hang out until later.

"Why are you sitting so far?" Downey asks.

"This is my seat."

"Up here." He says firmly, then points at a chair next to his desk. I sigh, then get up and sit there instead. "First, im going to ask you some questions before I know how to help." I nod. "Good, okay, I need to know what are some things you day dream about?"

"Um, ideas for screenplay, the future, um... if anything is real, stuff like that."

"Still no boys or anything like that?" I make a disgusted face.

"Once again, no I don't like anyone, and too personal."

"Well, I need to know. Because if its that, then ill have to somehow change their appearance."

"Then youll have to change yours.." I mumble, wait, why would I say that!? What if he heard me????

"What was that?" He asked, he now has that stupid grin on his face.


"BS. What did you mumble?"

"I said nothing, let it go." His smirk grows.

"Im not gonna let it go, unless you tell me."

"What if I leave before I tell you?" I challenge.

"You wont, because I could easily stop you. So what did you mumble, Harper?"

"I cant say.."

"Why not? You may swear, im fine with it if its just us talking."

"I didn't swear."

"Then what did you mumble? Something about that I was right, you do have a crush?"

"Would you stop already!?"

"I will, if you tell me what you mumbled, its obviously something I should hear since your so defensive." I give him the look of death, he shoots one right back at me.

"I mumbled that I like pancakes. Happy?"


"But I told you..."

"You didn't tell me the truth. Just say it already!"

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"Oh, I already know..." He gives me a devious look now.

"What do you mean you know?" I got nervous.

"I know what you mumbled, I just want to hear you say it."

"What did I mumble then?" Lets see if he actually knows...

"Then youll have to change yours... Is what you mumbled." He starts grinning again. "So you do have a crush, you little liar." Now im freaking out. He doesn't seem to be shocked that I kinda, sorta, maybe like him.

"Your not, weirded out?" I ask, he chuckles.

"Harper, I know im attractive." He says like I should've known. I blush, then turn away quickly before he could see. "Aw, now your blushing!" He says in a childish voice.

"Shut up!" I say, trying not to blush anymore.

"Why should I? Youll just drift off into a daydream about me either way!" I hate him so much right now, its not even funny.

"Well then, stop flirting!" I cover my mouth, his grin comes back and he moves closer to me.

"I could say the same to you, hun." Did he just call me "hun?" Oh god...

"Your worse..." I say softly.

"Im sorry, do I make you uncomfortable?" He asks in a mocking tone.

"Maybe..." He comes even closer, now im really uncomfortable.

"Still?" He says, our knees are touching. I nod, I cant speak, why the hell cant I speak?! "You cant talk because im so close?" Damn it, he can read me like a freaking letter!

"How did you know?" I ask quickly. He comes even closer, our faces only a foot apart, barely. Then he goes to my ear.

"I just know..." He whispers. I have shivers down my spine now. He comes back, face to face. I see him lean in, what do I do? Pull back? I don't know. Before I know it, his lips are on mine, and we are kissing. I know its wrong, but this just feels so right, so I cant help but kiss back. He draws back. "I know you cant resist me...." He says, he is still close.

"You cant either though..."

"Do me a favor, and stop day dreaming about me. Why day dream when im here? There is your help. If it doesn't work, then ill have to turn myself ugly. And neither of us want that." I nod, I get up, grab my stuff, and walk out. What the hell was that!? And why did I enjoy it?

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