Telling Downey

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After Parker told me things i didnt want to hear, i made myself dinner and went to bed. I woke up before my alarm and got ready for the day. Im still debating whether i should tell Robert what Parker said or not. Maybe i should because what if Parker says something to him? Okay, i will tell him.
I arrive early, like im supposed to, and went straight to Roberts room. "Good morning, Robert." I said as i walked in. He was writing something down on the board and he turned around on his heal with a huge smile on his face.
"Good morning, Harper. I see you came early." I gave him a confused look, im supposed to come early.
"Yeah, im supposed to come early and stay late everyday, remember?"
"Oh, now i remember. Anything new?" He says as he walks over to me, embracing me into a hug while giving me a peck on my head.
"Well..." I say in his chest, he takes a step back so he can look at me.
"Well..? What happened? Is Tobias bothering you again!?"
"No, no! Its actually Parker..."
"Parker!? What did he say to you!?" He is starting to raise his voice.
"Robert, calm down. Yesterday, me and Parker were going to hangout after the end of the day. So he followed me to my apartment and i decided that hes been one of my bestfriends for years, so i told him about us. I know he wont tell anyone, but he disapproved it. He was acting like an overprotective father, and i asked him why, he said because of age, your my professor, and because of Tobias..." I finish talking and it looks like Robert is about to cry for some reason. "Robert?"
"Are you... You know..... Are you going to end this????" He asks, on the verge of tears as he points back and forth between us.
"What?! Robert, of course not! I said i love you and i mean it. I would never end it over something that Parker said. Plus, hes not my father, he cant control me." His tears go away after i said that, and he puts on the amazing smile of his and hugs me again.
"Good, because i would be a mess if we did end it..." We both chuckle a little. After about a minute after that, he breaks the silence. "So, am i still going to have to help with your 'problem'?" I start to chuckle as he makes air quotes.
"I suppose..." I say after i fake sigh. He holds a hand over his chest and acts insulted, i start chuckling again. Why does this man make me chuckle so much?
"Well, if you dont need me then why are you still here?" He asks with sarcasm.
"Oh shut up." He chuckles before placing his lips on mine. Then the bell rings and he goes to his desk and the rest of the class comes in.
Throughout the day, ive seen Parker glance over between me and Robert to make sure im not up to something. I dont care if he doesnt like my decisions, a true friend should be happy that im happy, like Carmen.
Authors Note
Hey guys! Sorry i took forever updating, ive been working on my other RDJ fanfic, My Idol. Please read it if you like this one. Robert is famous in that one and i have more ideas for more fanfics on the way. I hope you liked this chapter even though its short! Thanks guys!

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