Chapter 4

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            The next morning, Camila woke up as excited as ever. It was the day of their first white practice. They'd get to bust out their sick jerseys and actually play as a team for the first time. She tapped her phone screen, shutting off the ringing that had awoken her and tossed a decorative pillow at Dinah. It bounced off the younger girl's head and fell to the floor. She didn't even twitch at the object's assault on her face. Camila swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood up, immediately regretting her decision. The dull ache in her thighs reminded her of the vigorous practice they'd endured the day before. She flipped on the light and huffed in annoyance when she saw that her roommate was wearing an eye mask. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she got back into the room, Dinah was still very asleep. She walked over to the bed and began to shake the dead-weight.

"Dinah," she sang in the girl's ear rather loudly. "Despertarse mi amiga!" she sang-shouted in her ear. The girl quietly snored and showed no signs of consciousness. Camila gripped onto her arm and used all of her weight to rock her body back and forth in the bed. "DINAH!" she full on screamed in her face, while still rocking her.

Dinah groaned and blindly pushed Camila's hands away. "What the hell?" she mumbled irritated.

Camila turned to see BB and Normani standing in the doorway, toothbrushes in hand, laughing at her failing attempt to wake their youngest teammate. "A little help guys?"

Normani shook her head and turned back in the direction of the hallway, presumably to finish brushing her teeth in the bathroom. BB turned also, but had to stop at the puppy dog eyes Camila put on display. She rolled her own eyes and shuffled over to where Dinah lay, still dead to the world. She tilted her head from side to side, assessing Dinah's sleeping form, which confused Camila but she didn't question what would help her get the lump she called her best friend out of bed. BB paused and then spit a glob of foamy toothpaste onto Dinah cheek. Camila watched in grossed out horror as it dripped across her face and to her upper lip. Dinah slowly reached up to wipe at it, and her face morphed to one of half disgust and half hell-fueled fury.

"This better not be what I think it is," she said with a surprisingly loud and clear voice.

BB smirked and put her toothbrush back into her mouth. "Good morning sunshine," she said and left the room.

Dinah sat up and lifted the mask to see what was on her face and hand. She shot daggers at Camila and she held up her hands defensively. She sighed tiredly and walked into the bathroom muttering something about "beating the living shit out of a Hungarian". Camila decided to get dressed while Dinah occupied the bathroom. She pulled out her Red Hots jersey and matching shorts. She got her tall black Nike Elite socks, a black sports bra, and set her shoes next to her bed ready to be put on.

She stripped off her clothes and changed, eager for their morning to start. She looked at herself in the mirror as she pulled her loose waves into a ponytail. She was extremely proud to be donning the attire and even more excited for the reason. The red team would actually get to play basketball together for the first time. They were probably the last team to do so, which made her a little nervous but she felt that their off-court chemistry would help immensely. When Dinah came out of the bathroom, she ushered Camila out of their room so she could change. The pair had known each other all their lives and therefore had seen each other naked on multiple occasions, but Camila didn't argue and left without a word. She sipped from her water bottle as she waited for the rest of her teammates to be finished. She scrolled through her Tumblr timeline and smiled when she was interrupted by a text message by a certain "enemy" brunette.

"Have fun at your first white practice. Good luck w/ Coach Lovato! ;)"

She texted her back, after silently aweing at the girl's sweet message.

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