Chapter 21

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Camila bent over with her hands on her knees after BB took the layup at the end of their practice play. The action was counterproductive in her quest to catch her breath but she didn't care. She was genuinely tired. All week she had been giving two-hundred percent at both practices since it was their last chance to get individual training and to possibly change their ranking. For Camila, it wasn't really about trying to come in first, it was more just making sure no one took their spot at second. Now it was Saturday, the last day for white practice with Michael. From that point on, it was only playoff games and practices with their new celebrity coach.

She was excited about that too because who knew who it would be? It could be LeBron again, or it could be a female great like Dawn Staley or Elena Delle Donne. She was secretly hoping for the former.

She had been basically surrounded by women all summer and though she loved the ladies, some quality guys around would be a nice change. Especially if they were famous. Whoever the coach was, her goal was to persuade them to give her a piggy back ride so she could see what the view was like at 6'5".

Michael finally let them stop running the same play over and over again when he felt that they had it all down. They all shuffled over to the bleachers for a quick water break. Camila eagerly gulped down the remains of her water bottle and listened to her teammates talk.

"This feels like the last day of class before final exams. I don't like it," Dinah said after finishing her drink.

"I feel you. Especially since I usually bomb those finals and I really don't want to bomb this one. I want to ace it!" BB said, throwing down her empty bottle into her bag.

"You can't ace a game. I don't think," Taylor commented with a frown.

"Dammit Taylor! Why must you comment on the things I say? Just let me live my life!" BB said frustratedly.

"So, what's everyone looking forward to now that camp is practically over?" Camila asked them once her water bottle was completely drained.

"Men," Dinah and Normani said at the same time, and the high fived each other with a laugh.

"You guys are gross," BB said.

"Says the lesbian in a relationship. What are you looking forward to?" Dinah asked her.

"Getting to sleep with my girlfriend in a bed bigger than a twin size. And introducing her to my family at the end of the summer."

"Damn, so you guys are for real?"

"Yeah. I love her," the forward admitted with a light blush rising on her cheeks.

"That's so beautiful," Taylor said squeezing her shoulder in encouragement.

"How about you Taylor?" Camila asked.

"I miss my cats so I can't wait to go home and see them," she answered excitedly.

"You fucking would," Dinah said with a shake of her head. "Mila?"

"Umm, I guess seeing my sister and dad?" She closed her eyes and prepared for the backlash that was sure to come. She definitely left out a big future event involving a certain green eyed coach.

"I call shit to the bull! What about Coach Bae?" Dinah scoffed. "Can't wait to get your lips and hands all over that right?"

"Sure, I guess," she shrugged. Truth be told, she wasn't exactly missing out on much. Almost every time they were alone together, some type of contact occurred between them. Whether it was Camila sneaking in a grope as Lauren bent over to pick up a ball or Lauren giving her a sneak attack kiss when she least expected it. Even that same day, she had been attacked in the best way possible.

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