Chapter 35

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Camila walked into the house with her t-shirt draped around her neck. Her chest was heaving from the exertion of her log and all she wanted to do was take a shower and relax for the rest of the day with her amazing girlfriend. Just the thought of Lauren brought a smile to her face and she immediately wondered where her pro-athlete was.

After the end of their summer together at camp, they wasted no time in becoming official and telling their closest friends and family, even though most already knew. They dated for six months before Lauren insisted that Camila move in with her. So here she was, the girlfriend of the best female basketball player in the world (in her opinion), and living in a huge, modern home on the beach in Miami. And she was loving every single bit of it.

"Laurennnnnnn!" she shouted out, ascending the glass steps to the upper floor of their home. "Where are you hiding!?"

"I'm not hiding, I'm sleeping!" She entered their bedroom and saw Lauren sitting up with her hair a tangled mess on her head and her tank top barely covering her torso. Not that Camila minded. She loved Lauren's chest, and spent just about every night with her face buried in the area.

"Babe, it's three in the afternoon. Why are you still in bed?"

"Because I had no practice today and I thought I'd work on getting adjusted to Brasil time. Before you know it, we'll be there and I don't want to be all jet-lagged."

"Lauren, they're only three hours ahead. And I'm pretty sure you sleeping late is only making it worse."

"Oh," she answered with a frown. Camila giggled at the confused look on her face and the way she tried to push her hair out of her eyes. She had cut it so it wasn't as bad as it normally would have been, but it was still funny to see. "Well, I'll remember that for tomorrow." She flopped back down onto the pillow and dragged the covers over her head.

"Oh no you don't! Get the hell up you lazy bum!" she said, tugging at the comforter and having a mini tug-of-war with her girlfriend. She was definitely at an advantage considering she was fully awake but Lauren had rolled herself over the edge of the covers so she was fighting Lauren's actual strength plus her entire body's weight.

"Camz, leave me alone. How often do I get days off?"

"Once a week, now get up. I wanted us to spend the day together. Or what's left of it since you chose to hibernate like Dinah."

"Speaking of your grizzly bear best friend, how is she doing?"

"She's good. We're supposed to video chat today actually. It would be nice if you could make a cameo not looking like you just rose from the dead."

"But I'm so tired, I barely slept last night," she whined, clutching just her pillow since Camila had successfully wrenched the comforter away and threw it on the floor.

"And whose fault is that?"

"Um yours? You were all 'Again baby! Make me come again!' A girl gets tired you know." Camila gasped both in shock and disgust. Lauren's imitation of her sounded like a porn star faking her orgasm and she surely wasn't faking it. And she definitely didn't sound that wanton either.

"You are such an asshole! I don't even sound like that!"

"Well how would I know? Things get kind of muffled when my ears were blocked by your thighs squeezing my head." Lauren was smirking and Camila wanted nothing more than to slap her upside the head. But she settled for dodging a pillow at her face.

"Fine, I won't have sex with you anymore since it's such a problem. Wouldn't want you to get sleep deprived," she muttered, rolling her eyes and standing up to go into their en suite bathroom. She was stopped when Lauren grabbed onto her hand and pulled her back. Getting caught off balance, she tumbled clumsily into Lauren's lap and giggled when Lauren peppered light kisses all over her neck.

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