Chapter 19

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            Camila tossed and turned in bed, the sleep she so desperately wanted evading her at every turn. First she was too hot, so she stripped down to underwear. And then she was cold so she put it back on, plus her comforter versus the sheet she was using before. And now, she just couldn't get comfortable in her bed. Her side, her back, her stomach; nothing was comfortable enough to fall asleep. She would be fine for about two minutes before her stomach would do that weird queasy, flip thing, which told her she had to switch positions again. After watching the numbers on Dinah's alarm clock switch for the thousandth time, she gave up on sleeping.

She tossed her bothersome covers off and looked around the dark room. What the hell was she supposed to do at three in the morning? Watching TV would be inconsiderate to her sleeping teammates, as would reading because then she'd have to turn on a light. There was a very good chance it wouldn't disturb Dinah because she slept with an eye mask on and she walked a thin line between being asleep and comatose while unconscious. Still, she didn't want to take a chance that Dinah might be struggling with remaining asleep as well. Because then she'd be dead from waking her up.

She checked her phone and saw that she had a few Twitter notifications from her favorite players and some likes on her latest Instagram post. She checked those before running out of things to do also. She also noticed that she had a text from Lauren from only an hour ago. She prayed that she wasn't too, too late and she sent her response in.

Wow, insomniac much?

Shush, I wish I was asleep. I just cant

Poor thing, should I come over and keep you company????

'So Dinah can wake up and find you here? I'd rather save myself the torment, thanks

Alright, fine. Then meet me somewhere


'The pond?'

'In the middle of the night? What if there's a bear, or a serial killer?'

'You haven't been there at night yet & it's beautiful. Take a chance, scaredy-cat ;)'

'Ugh fine, gimme like 15 mins to put on pants and walk over'

'See you then, beautiful :)'

Camila rolled her eyes at Lauren's message and shifted out of bed as quietly as she could. She tiptoed to her dresser and quietly pulled out the drawer where her sweatpants were. She grabbed her skinny Adidas warm-up pants and a plain red hoodie. After tripping over Dinah's heels, which shouldn't have been on her side at all, she found her black vans and slipped them on. She grabbed a key from the hook by the door and left the apartment without a sound.

It was absolutely freezing outside and she tucked her hands into her hoodie pocket and huddled into herself as best as she could. The camp at three am was absolutely deserted. There were no other living things in sight and the only light she had came from the moon...and a few random lamps around the walkways. It wasn't as eerie as it should've been but she chalked that up to the familiarity of the campus during the day and early evening.

A quiet sound from her right caused her to jump and fumble in her pockets for her phone to turn on the flashlight. She didn't see anything. But she wasn't going to be that moron who called out 'hello' or 'Lauren?' to see if it was the green-eyed girl. Because that moron never lived in the horror movies. So she did the only logical thing, and she took off at a full sprint for the edge of camp.

So much adrenaline flowed through her veins that she didn't stop running until she got to the beginning of the stone path. She stopped to catch her breath, but then held her breath in fear when she realized that it was pitch black and there was nothing but woods around her. She turned on her flashlight and walked as fast as she could to the clearing. If she didn't get mauled by a bear or stabbed by some psychopath, she was going to kill Lauren for coming up with such a stupid idea.

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