Chapter 6

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            Camila woke up feeling like her head was filled with weights. She really thought she didn't drink that much, but apparently the pounding in her head was contradicting that thought. Even thinking was hurting her too much and she figured she really needed to get it together before practice. She promised Lauren that she would be there and if she was going to be there, being hungover and sloppy wasn't going to be a good thing. Then she remembered practice and fumbled around her nightstand to pick up her phone. Luckily, she still had an hour before practice began, so she could definitely perk herself up by then. She turned over and saw Ariana sleeping quietly next to her. She lifted up the sheets to see that they were both in just their underwear, so it's possible that they could have slept together but also possible that they didn't. To be honest, she really didn't care. It wasn't like Ariana was some random chick, they were practically girlfriends. But it still would have been nice to have remembered their first time together, if it already happened.

She shook the other brunette's shoulder and waited for her to stop groaning and open her eyes completely. "If you weren't so cute, I'd punch you," she muttered and sat up. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were drooping, but she was up.

"I appreciate that. But you need to get up and take a shower, we have practice soon."

"Are you going to be in there? Because that would definitely motivate me to get up if you were in the shower too."

"Nice try, but not this time. Now get up." She pulled the thin arms and Ariana got out of bed.

"I'm going to go back to my apartment since all of my stuff is there. I'll meet you at practice later." Camila followed her to the door.

"Are you sure? I really don't want you to go home and fall asleep or something and miss practice. I told Coach that everyone who went to the party would be at practice today."

"I promise I won't miss it. I'm just going to shower and change, and have a banana or something. I'll see you later." She gave her a kiss on the cheek and closed the door behind her. Camila sighed and went into her own bathroom to take a shower. The cold water really helped to wake her up and she was feeling much better after she got out. She still had a bit of a headache, but she'd live.

After getting dressed into a grey tank top, red shorts, and black socks, she went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. She drank it black, much to her displeasure, popped two Tylenol, and munched on a slice of bread to kill the time before she had to go to practice. When she was finished, she left the apartment. She contemplated going to check on Ariana, but she didn't want to appear clingy so she trusted her and walked to practice.

Arriving at the gym, it was just her and Lauren, who was doing her usual mindless morning dribbling. "Morning Lauren," she said happily.

"Hey, Cabello. You're peppy this morning, no hangover?" Lauren stopped dribbling and walked over to where she was stretching.

"Nope, I didn't really drink last night. But it was a fun party."

"Good, I'm glad you had a good time."

"Me too, I'm surprised so many girls showed up. It was almost the whole camp."

"Really? That's a lot of people that could be hungover. You ready to take the blame if anyone skips?"

"I am, but I won't have to. We made it clear to everyone that they had to show up or Dinah would kick their asses. And no one crosses Dinah." They laughed and Camila got the familiar feeling in her stomach whenever Lauren laughed. "So what did you do last night?" she asked as she stretched her arms out.

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