Chapter 23

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Lauren's POV

Lauren stood under the spray of the hot shower for what felt like forever. As the hot beads of water hit her skin and rolled down the drain, she forced herself to not be consumed by her plaguing thoughts. But how could she not? It felt like all at once, everything was spiraling out of control and hadn't the slightest clue on where to start to put it back together. She ran over her problems once, twice, three times, ten times, and still couldn't figure out whether it would be better to turn left or right at the end of the road.

First of all, Maia showing up ruined the whole damn summer. The last thing she wanted was to see the girl who ripped her heart out and dropped it on the floor, not even having the decency to step on it properly; just leaving it there to worry over its fate. And then she had the nerve to show up and try to rekindle the flame of their relationship. Lauren wished she told her that there was no chance and to fuck off. But no, she stood frozen like the world's dumbest statue and let that stupid girl kiss her. Right in front of Camila.

And then there was Camila. Camila, who she loved dearly, who had made her fall back in love in only a few short weeks. Camila, who knew how to brighten her day just by existing. The same Camila who completely dismissed her in the woods after the bonfire, slapped her across the face, and then walked right out of her life. Just thinking of her made Lauren's chest tighten in the worst possible way. When Camila had said she couldn't do this, Lauren felt the pain of Maia all over again. Only it was worse, because Camila seemed so sure that they were over. And apparently she moved on quickly.

To Tori. Tori fucking Kelly. She liked Tori. Tori was nice, and funny, and not a stuck up bitch like most at the camp, and she even let her call her Curly. Not like she could deny Lauren a bestowed nickname, but she seemed to wear it with pride. Until she decided to encroach onto Lauren's territory. They may not have been official, but Camila was hers, no arguments necessary. And then to see Tori making kissy faces and pointing and treating Camila like she was hers? Oh no. Lauren had to squeeze the edge of her seat to force herself from standing up and throwing a punch or two.

And the worst part was that Camila went right along with it. Wearing her jersey, blowing kisses back, cheering like she was the prized trophy wife in the stands. And then after the game as they sat cuddled up to watch the next game. Lauren didn't know whether she wanted to throw up, cry, or set the entire gym on fire in a jealous rage.

"Lauren! Let's go, the game starts in half an hour!" Skylar called out to her from outside the bathroom and she shut off the shower, and furthermore her thoughts. She toweled herself off and stepped out of the sauna-like bathroom, only to bump into Maia.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just needed to use the hairdryer."

"Was there something wrong with the one in the other bathroom?"

"No, Megan's in there fixing her hair. I know she's not too fond of me, so I just wanted to avoid that whole thing." She finished with a nervous chuckle but Lauren remained indifferent and stepped aside so she could have full access to the room.

"All yours," she mumbled, taking the two steps necessary to get to her closet to pick out her outfit for the night.

"Lauren?" Maia called from behind her. She turned to see the girl holding the hair dryer but bouncing nervously on her toes.

"Did you get your hair dryer?"


"Then you can leave my bedroom now."

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come here and throw your life into disarray."

Lauren laughed humorlessly. "You left and threw my life into disarray. And now you're coming back to do the exact same thing."

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