Chapter 7

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            "So we're good now?"

"Yes, we're good," Camila said as she walked into practice with Ariana. The brunette had been bugging her since Saturday morning for forgiveness until she finally told her to stop because she was already over it. It wasn't a lie, she was. Mostly because she was still on a cloud from the previous day spent with Lauren. They spent the entire day sitting together by the pond talking. They went over everything from their favorite parts of the movie Finding Nemo, to what they think is beyond the Milky Way. She loved the way the green-eyed coach's mind worked and she could spend forever just listening to her thoughts on anything at all. She set her things down and smiled at Lauren doing her regular dribbling. She caught her eye and smiled at her. Lauren winked in response and she blushed.

Ariana was saying something but she wasn't really listening to her. "Camila? Did you hear me?"

"Sorry, I didn't. What did you say?"

"I was just saying what you thought about us going into town this weekend and going on a real date. Maybe dinner and a movie, just to get a change in scenery."

"Yeah, sounds like fun." Ariana began rambling about movies but all Camila was thinking about was what Lauren might be like on a date. She imagined them being at a restaurant and getting kicked out because they lost track of time and stayed way past closing just talking. And then Lauren doing something cheesy and romantic like talking her for a walk on the beach or sitting out in an empty field and stargazing.

"What are you thinking about? You're grinning like a crazy person."

"It's nothing, just thought about something that happened yesterday."

"Oh, okay. You know, I haven't kissed you all weekend," Ariana said stepping closer during her stretches. "My lips miss yours."

"Do they? I'm sure they can wait another two hours because I'm not kissing you at practice."

"But practice technically hasn't started yet. Come on, just a little one."

"Ariana, I'm not giving you a kiss. Now back up so I can stretch."



"Gimme a kiss!" she said laughing and pulling Camila's arms away from her body. Camila smiled despite the fact that her thoughts had been on another girl for a while because she really did find Ariana endearing at times. Ariana somehow managed to get close enough and pecked her lips. She whooped quietly and continued her stretching. "See, we could have avoided that whole situation if you hadn't resisted me from the beginning."

"Shut up Grande." Ariana poked her on the side in her ticklish spot and she jerked away. "Knock it off!" she giggled when Ariana did it again. She was about to do it back when a loud voice rang out.

"Cabello!" Her laughing stopped immediately and she shuffled over to the coach.

"What's up Lauren?" Lauren quirked an eyebrow and Camila rolled her eyes. "Sorry, what's up Coach?"

"Can you help me set up the ball racks?"

"Sure." She followed Lauren to the supply closet on the wall by the bleachers and rolled all of the racks out of the closets.

"So, you and shorty are all good now huh?"

"Yeah, we're okay."

"I didn't know you guys were dating."

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