Chapter 11

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            Camila sat on the side of the court bouncing her knees up and down. This was it, it was time for their first challenge. The orange team had accepted the challenge and the practice that morning had been incredibly tense between her and their point guard Shenae. Granted, they weren't exactly friends, or even cordial before, but it was definitely more serious. Probably on purpose, they had been paired up for a fastbreak drill and Camila lost every time because she had no choice but to back away from the other girl and her inconveniently placed elbow on her dribble. It was like she was purposely trying to fuck with her. In Camila's head, it was ridiculously immature. If she didn't want to accept the challenge, she didn't have to. No reason to be upset about it and go throwing petty jabs.

She had told her teammates about it and they all had similar stories of changing air between orange team members. Taylor was probably the only one with a positive story, and that was because no one with a heart could ever be rude to Taylor. The girl practically radiated happiness and tranquility.

Still, she was nervous. She looked up and saw that there were only campers and staff in the stands, probably because the game was on such short notice. She smiled though when she saw the silver team wearing all red and holding up signs, just as they did for their first challenge. She was happy she had someone rooting for her. Also on the opposite bleachers she saw Lauren walk in with Ally, Megan, and someone else who she didn't recognize from the distance. She was waiting for Lauren to notice her when Dinah pulled her up by her jersey.

"Dammit Mila, I've been calling you for ten minutes. Stay focused, come on."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just—never mind. I'm ready."

"You better be, I'm not losing to the fucking Orange Slices. Seriously, tell your girlfriend that her team name-making skills suck."

"She's not my girlfriend," she mumbled and her head dropped to the ground. Okay, so that wasn't a total lie. It's true that Lauren hadn't asked her to officially be her girlfriend, but it was established that they would only be seeing each other. But the lack of an official title wasn't what was bothering her. It was the fact that any title would only be acknowledged in the privacy of an empty apartment or beside a pond away from camp civilization. She knew now that Lauren really did have deep feelings for her because she practically forced the older girl to stop kissing her to talk about them for a minimum of five minutes. And she was beyond surprised to find that the green-eyed coach had seen something in her that very first day Camila proved herself to be a bumbling idiot who didn't know how to shut up. Apparently, Lauren had found it endearing.

"Okay, this is not going to work if you don't get your head out of the fucking clouds. Come on Camila!" She shook her head at Dinah's harsh tone and commanded herself to stop thinking of her relationship.

"I'm sorry. I'm here, I'm good."

"I don't want to be as brash as these two, but you seriously need to stay with us Mila," Normani said in a comforting, yet stern tone. "Whatever's going on with Ariana and Lauren can wait until after the game."

"You're right. I'm okay, I promise. What's the game plan?"

"Well we don't get subs, and we only get a small amount of coaching at the end of each quarter, so I guess we just go out and play," Dinah said with a shrug.

"Sounds good to me. I told the refs that all of our time-outs will be called by either Mila or Tay. Everyone cool with that?" They all nodded and BB clapped her hands together. "Alright, let's go kick some ass guys! Hands in! Red Hots on three! One! Two! Three!"

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