Chapter 18

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Camila woke up happy that she didn't have practice to go to. After the challenge two days before, her head was still reeling with all types of feelings. The strongest one was regret. She wished she had never even gotten the chance to fall for Lauren Jauregui. But on the other hand, falling in love with such a beautiful person was probably the best thing that ever happened to her. She was internally debating everything, like usual, and she just wanted to go back to sleep. For like ten years.

"Chancho! Wake up!"

"Go away Dinah," she mumbled into her pillow.

"Come on, we gotta take my partner in crime to the airport."

Camila groaned again because that was another sad thing she had to deal with. Diane was leaving. She knew it was coming because it was impossible for Diane to have stayed forever but it also seemed impossible that their week was up so soon. So she dragged herself out of bed, brushed her teeth, and threw on some denim shorts and a plain t-shirt.

"Girl, are you leaving with your hair like that?" Dinah asked when she shuffled into the living room.

She glanced at the decorative mirror on the wall, saw that her hair was incredibly messy, and pulled the hair tie from her wrist. She tied it up into a bun and pulled her warm-up jacket on.

"Happy?" she said sarcastically to her best friend who was still eyeing her head with slight disgust.

"I'm not answering that. Now, let's go." She followed the younger girl out of the apartment and out into the late morning air around them. They walked across the campus and to the main road where they would begin their walk to Diane's hotel. It was probably fifteen minutes tops, but she didn't need all of that time to get lost in her thoughts.

"What's going on with you? You seem so down," Dinah said gently nudging her. She shrugged and kept her eyes focused on the pavement under her feet.

"I'm just sad about Di leaving. I won't be able to see her for a long time."

"You don't know that. Maybe you'll get signed by Liberty, and then you can go move in with her if you want," Dinah said, hoping to cheer her up.

"I thought we were sticking together. Going back to Miami, right?"

Dinah shrugged this time and pulled her baseball hat down slightly to block the sun from her eyes. "Who knows if that's even possible? Being here and seeing some of these girls, I'm lucky if I even get a pro contract, much less if it's for the same team as you."

"What are you talking about Cheechee? You're one of the best forwards here!"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just all in my feels today. And you're sure as shit not helping with your downer ass."

"I'm sorry. We should be happy. Camp is close to being over and we're close to going pro. All we have left is like three more weeks of training and then we're on to the end of the summer tournament. I'm so excited for it."

"Yeah, me too. I just want to play against Blackout. And then punch Selena in the face after the game."

"We could challenge them if you want. We don't have to wait until the end of the season."

"Nah, I kinda like it this way. Our biggest rivals who we face in the huge championship game to see who's really the best. See who goes home with the big trophy at the end. It's dramatic and you know I'm all about that drama."

"So you just want like an epic movie moment?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Good point. I guess it would be cool to save them for last. Assuming we make it to the championship game."

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