Chapter 5

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            Two days later, the red team collapsed onto the various living room couches and chairs after their morning practice. It was another pool session, which naturally left their limbs feeling like jelly. A few minutes later, the silver team strolled in and made themselves comfortable in the red team living room with its residents. They had practice at the same time as the red team, but they stopped off at their own apartment to take off the uniforms that they needed to play in for the scrimmage later on. So most were in spanx and sports bras.

The last two days passed by really fast to Camila. She got into the easy routine of point guard practice in the morning and team practice in the afternoon. Every chance she got with Lauren, she tried to pry more information from the coach regarding the whole status and ranking thing, but each time she was met with more and more reluctance. But that was Lauren's fault. She shouldn't have trusted Camila with that type of information and expected her to settle with just minimal information. She should have known better. Camila also had gone on two more dates with Ariana, each better than the last. She was really starting to like the shorter brunette, and kissing her was definitely a good time in her book. Yes, they kissed after they went to lunch the previous day. She hadn't told anyone about it and she enjoyed her secret "relationship" with the black team point guard.

At that current moment, Camila was laying horizontally on the couch with her legs draped over Zendaya and her feet on Dinah. Looking around, a lot of the players were partially sitting on or leaning on each other. Partly because there weren't enough places for everyone to have their own space, and partly because the two teams had grown very close since their joint practice. Their personalities intertwined well and the other girls were really cool.

"So, you guys ready for your game later?" Taylor asked Shailene, who was sitting directly to her right. That was another development, Taylor was talking more. They learned that she was really nerdy and filled with random fun facts, but she was a sweet girl with nothing negative to say. As Dinah's complete opposite, she brought an interesting set of traits to the team dynamic.

"I think we're ready. We've been busting our ass this week and Lovato finally stopped screaming all the time," she short-haired girl replied.

"Shut up! Lovato got laid?" BB said sitting up from her previous position of laying with her head on Nicola's lap.

Shailene shook her head and laughed. "I don't think that's what I said."

BB laid back down, Nicola resuming her playing with BB's thick brown hair. "Well that seemed to be the only logical explanation for why Lovato stopped screaming. Or I guess decided to scream somewhere else? Assuming she's a screamer of course." Kristen who was sitting on the floor in front of Normani tossed a pillow at her head. BB threw it back and a mini-fight erupted. All ten girls laughed when it ended just as quickly as it started.

"Friday night basketball games though. Good times," Dinah said smiling. Camila nodded, enjoying the nostalgia too.

"Hell yeah! We should party afterwards," Bianca chimed in from her position on the floor in front of Nicola and BB.

"What if you lose?" Normani asked with a chuckle.

"Then we party anyway," Bianca said with a shrug.

"Time out. How do we get the party goods?" Zendaya asked.

"There's a shuttle going into town in like an hour for groceries. We can just pick up some booze & balloons then."

"Is there like a no alcohol rule?" Kristen asked.

"I didn't see anything in the handbook," Nicola said.

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