Chapter 26

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It was the day after her coach dinner with Lauren, BB, and Dawn Staley. She was sitting at the breakfast table with her team, Tori, and Diane. Diane and Tori really hit it off, considering they had already spoken before, but now it was like the two of them were best friends. It was actually kind of upsetting her because now Lauren would see it and it was just one more offense against her.

"Mini me, can you get me some more bacon?"

"Why can't you get it yourself?"

Diane looked shocked at her response and held her hand against her chest. "Is that was I said to you when you were little and shat yourself in your diaper? Did I tell you to get it yourself or did I change you?"

Camila dropped her spoon into her bowl and looked exasperatedly at her sister. "What is with you older people and bringing up the shit you did for anyone younger than you in their infancy. Did I ask you to change my shit-filled diapers? No!"

"Okay but I did though."

"But I didn't ask you to. And I'm sure if two year old Camila possessed the needed dexterity, she would have changed her own damned diapers if she knew she could avoid a lifetime worth of guilt tripping comments like that."

"All this time spent arguing with me, we could both have crispy strips of bacon on our plates. But no, you just had to go on and on with your rant."

"Oh my God, fine." She stood up angrily and went over to the area where all of the breakfast meats were. The pan that usually held the bacon was empty and a woman in a chef coat took the empty pan to the back. "Great, now one more thing she can get on my nerves about," she mumbled to herself. She turned around so she could go back to the table and tell her sister they didn't have any bacon ready, but she almost bumped into her ex.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were there," she apologized quickly and moved around her to get back to the table.

"Where's the bacon?"

"They didn't have any when I went over there so I'm assuming more will be coming out soon."

"You see how you are? If you had just gotten up and went when I asked you, this wouldn't be a problem. But because you just needed to argue, someone else took my bacon. And now we have to wait for—,"

"I'm gonna wait over there, okay. Because I don't want to hear you talking anymore." She stood up again and went back to the meat station. Lauren was still standing over there leaning against the metal counter and she took a spot a few feet away. She looked up every once in a while, not at all surprised to find that Lauren was never looking back when she did. She still felt the throbbing ache in her chest whenever she saw Lauren, and she wondered if and when it would go away. She still had two weeks and she didn't know how much longer she could take it.

"Ah Dios Mio! What is taking so long?!" Diane asked walking over and leaning against the counter next to her. "Are they butchering the pig back there?"

"I have literally been gone maybe thirty seconds," Camila said, sounding as annoyed as she felt.

"I should have food by now. Hey Jauregui, what kind of slow paced food set up is this?"

Fuck, Camila thought. She didn't need them interacting at all. She still hadn't told Diane that they had officially broken up yet and her sister was bound to make some kind of inappropriate or uncomfortable comment.

Lauren laughed anyway, despite the fact that she was talking to her ex-girlfriend's sister. "I haven't had any complaints yet, and I've been doing this for a few years now."

"Well it's obvious no one is brave enough to stand up to those ferocious green eyes. Camila, I don't know how you can just stare into them all day long." Camila rolled her eyes because she expected Diane to say something just like that.

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