Chapter 22

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Camila angrily stomped away from the lights and sounds of the bonfire. She felt the twigs and branches snapping under her aggressive steps, but she didn't give a shit. At this point, she could have stepped on and killed a small animal and not even blinked an eye. Though she'd probably care later because then she'd have to worry about getting blood out of her Jordans.

She wouldn't cry. She refused to shed even a single tear for Lauren Jauregui. What for? Not like she would do the same had the situation been reversed. No, she'd probably just put up a wall and pretend to have all emotions turned off. So that's exactly what she would do. She wouldn't let Lauren know exactly how much it upset her to see her even talking to her ex. Or how it felt to have her heart ripped out of her chest when they kissed. No, Lauren didn't deserve to know. She didn't care so why should Camila?

Camila heard rushed steps coming closer behind her and she hoped it was a random girl going back to her room or to the dining hall or wandering around drunk; she didn't even care. She just didn't want it to be Dinah, or Normani, or BB, or Taylor, or Tori, or Ariana. She prayed to any high being that would listen that it was anyone on Earth but Lauren. But alas, it was late and the higher beings must have gone to bed already because sure enough, she knew the voice that was calling out to her.

"Camz! Come on Camz, wait up."

She ignored her as best as she could. She knew that Lauren would catch up to her any second, if her breathy voice was any indication of how fast she was moving, and she wished she had super speed. She didn't feel like Speedy Fucking Gonzales at that moment, she felt slower than a zombie.

"Please Camz, I need to explain."

She stopped in her tracks, because what the hell was she about to spew now. She felt Lauren knock into her back, obviously not expecting her to stop, and she spun around to face her. Lauren looked utterly dejected, like a kicked puppy, and Camila fought back the urge to laugh in her face. Because it was nothing like what Camila felt right then in that moment. Sad wasn't the word. Heartbroken wasn't either.

"Camila, I am so fucking sorry. I didn't even know she was going to be here, I swear."

"I don't care."

"I don't believe that."

"I'm not your girlfriend. Kiss whoever the fuck you want, like I give a shit."

"Can you hold on for a minute? Let me explain."

"Explain what Lauren? How you kissed your ex right in front of me?" she laughed humorlessly.

"Camz, I know what you thought you saw, but—," she cut her off when her palm connected with Lauren's cheek. She felt abundantly better but it didn't wipe the look off Lauren's face. "Okay, I deserved that."

"You have nothing to explain to me," she said angrily and turned on her heel.

"Camz, please." She felt Lauren's grip on her elbow and she ripped it away.

"Don't fucking touch me. Just leave me alone."

"So that's it? You're not going to let me explain myself? I think I've earned that much." Camila turned back and had to literally force herself from launching herself at the older girl and punching her feelings out.

"And exactly what have you earned, Lauren?"

"Oh come on, like you haven't done anything to hurt me? Throwing Grande in my face? Leaving me for days after I threw everything on the line and professed my love for you?"

"Okay first of all, I never threw anything in your face. And if I recall correctly, you're the one who called me a slut for seeing her in the first place, so don't you dare. And I told you I loved you back. And yeah, it may have stung for a bit because I needed some space, but I never cheated on you Lauren. I would never do something like that to someone I love."

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