Chapter 14

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            Camila sat back and patiently waited for her teammates to show up in the living room. It was time for their white practice but for some reason they were all super late. Either that or she was just early like usual. She was bubbling over with excitement because this was going to be her first time seeing Lauren since their first date. It had been a few days and she missed her girlfriend dearly. Sure they texted all the time and she saw her at point guard practices, but the only time she felt truly secure and immersed in her relationship was when she was having alone time with the professional athlete.

BB and Normani came out of their room donning their practice jerseys and matching shorts. They plopped onto the couch next to her and she shook her head at them. "Why do you both look so tired?"

"Because we are. We were watching Netflix all night," Normani said around a yawn.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys not to do that? It throws off your sleeping patterns and then you're groggy for practice and we're not at the top of our game."

"Camila. Chill the fuck out. We're up, we're dressed, and we're going. So what if we're a little slower," BB mumbled, lazily rubbing at her eyes.

She clenched her jaw in anger because she couldn't explain to them that an off day at practice could negatively affect their record. It was the one thing she promised Lauren she would keep a secret, even before they were dating, and she kept her word. She always would when it came to Lauren.

"You're unbelievable. Please try to be more responsible."

"Who got your panties in a twist? I need to have a discussion with Lauren because you obviously need to get some," BB said with a droopy smirk.

"You will have no such discussion with my girlfriend, Barbara."

BB looked like she really wanted to make an angry retort but she just didn't have the energy at the moment. So instead she just lifted her middle finger up in Camila's direction. Normani pushed it away when it started to drift toward her face and tapped her own cheeks to liven herself up.

"Alright bitches, let's go this!" Dinah said emerging from hers and Camila's bedroom bouncing on her toes.

"If you're so awake then why are you late?"

"I'm always late, stop acting like you don't know."

"Okay, where's Taylor?"

"Right here!" the tallest said entering the room on one foot while attempting to tie her laces on the other. "I'm here, sorry. I was on the phone."

"With Calvin?" Dinah said suggestively, still moving around.

"No, my mom. But we were talking about him. Oh my gosh guys, he is so great."

"Can we save the boy talk for later? We have practice to get to," Camila said standing up and pulling BB and Normani up with her.

"Such a buzz kill. Speaking of buzz, why are you so hyper DJ?" BB asked closing the door since she was the last to leave.

"I've been up all night. I think I had like four Red Bulls."

"You don't get this hyper from four Red Bulls," Normani said eyeing her teammate skeptically.

"Did I say four? I meant nine. Or ten maybe."

"Nine fucking Red Bulls? Where was I during this?" Camila said spinning around to face her hyperactive teammate.

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