PoH Chapter 5

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Author's Note: You know, in reality, I normally have a chapter or two done in advance, and it depends on what I deem my writing skill for that chapter to see when I'll upload.

I think this one is a little shorter... Ok, so if you couldn't tell, Lin's PSP is capable of doing many things that the average PSP can't do. It's for this reason that, you know, she really can't have someone take it away. The story of how she got it will come with why she's a protector which will be... chapter 7 or 8? Who knows.

I didn't really like the feel of this chapter, like I didn't write my best D: But I can't edit more than I already have... So enjoy? Vote and comment, please :D What say I do the same thing, 5 votes for instant upload, less than that will have to wait a few days?

BTW, the little sentence that's always at the top and seperated from the rest of the story, those are Lin's random thoughts (sometimes they have nothing to do with the chapter, sometimes they do).

You can make a mistake but that doesn’t mean you have to learn from it.

            I pushed Aleck aside (okay, shoved is more like it, and by aside, I mean under the kitchen island) as a large chunk of the ceiling fell, fumbling to get my PSP out.

            “Lin, did you just -?” I heard Aleck say. It was faint, but it’s probably because my head’s filled with the word danger.

            I quickly pushed down the L button on my PSP and the shaking stopped, the piece of ceiling that fell flying back up and into place. I let out a sigh of relief. I had been fast enough to stop anything from happening.

            “Lin?” Aleck asked slowly, getting up. “What just happened?”

            I turned around to leave. I had to go to Wal-Mart to go buy tubs of ice cream for heartbroken girls.


            His tone was sterner this time. Aleck stepped in front of me, putting his hands firmly on my shoulders. “Answer me. What just happened?”   

            I looked away.

            “You spoke. You called me a fucking ignoramus. Then the house started shaking, the ceiling broke off. You reached for your PSP and everything got fixed. Explain,” Aleck said, softer this time. I swear to god if I looked in his eyes, I would spill everything. I could just tell he was giving a puppy dog look. So I averted my gaze even further. “Can you at least tell me why I’m an ignoramus? I’m already fairly perturbed that you spoke, even more that we got some random earthquake, but I just want that one answer.”

            I actually want to tell him. But speaking and I don’t really go well together. The explanation is still a bit away.

            “You said that this was the one time I had gotten it wrong,” he was pulling off a puppy dog look combined with that worried face I could never really resist. Just great.

            I shook off Aleck, rushing to the door before he could catch me.


            “Are you one of Lisa’s friends?” Ms. Henderson asked and I nodded. Last stop for the day. “Hopefully you’ll get her out of her depression.”

            Ms. Henderson let me inside her house and I walked upstairs to a room where there was a sign that said, “Lisa.”

            The door was unlocked (I won’t have to pick it then) so I went straight in. Lisa, someone I vaguely knew through Aleck, was under her covers, the blankets forming a mound.

            “Go away!” her muffled voice came from under the pile. “I don’t want to see anyone right now!”

            I walked up to her bed and stuck in some ice cream.

            She immediately came out.

            For some odd reason, those with their Hearts stolen just can’t help but want ice cream.

            Lisa looked horrible, her hair a mess and her eyes bloodshot. “Thanks,” she smiled weakly. “I know you, don’t I? Lin, right?”

            I nodded. She closed her eyes and took a breath. This was my chance. I got out the jar in my bag, the last Heart (I’ve been going around town all day) and held it in my hand, blowing on it (it’s awkward to touch a conscious person’s chest). The little pink light made its way into her chest where the jar revealed itself.

            “Wow, I feel a lot better,” Lisa suddenly perked up. “Must be the ice cream. Thanks so much Lin.”

           Out on the street, I got a breath of air that wasn’t perfumed. I checked the time on my PSP as I began my walk home, starting up the game. Five. It would take another half hour walk home. I slid on my headphones and began to play.

            I heard a honking behind me and when I glanced to my left, Aleck’s pickup truck was besides me. So it’s either sit in Aleck’s car under interrogation for ten minutes or walk for half an hour.

            Car it is.

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