PoH Chapter 6

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Author's Note: F-Five votes? In one day? ;A; Bro, I'm so happy I'm crying (fake) tears. Can I get another 5 for another instant update? P-Please?

Enjoy, comment and vote please!


There’s absolutely no shame left after we’ve already seen each other’s asses and slept in the same bed at the age of five.

            Just because I play games all day doesn’t mean I’m not good at sports. But I’m a lazy ass.

            “Lin, come on, we don’t keep secrets from each other,” Aleck said in a strained voice. I momentarily looked over at him. Yeah right.

            To divert his attention, even temporarily, I put my hand to his forehead. Don’t forget that today’s the day he has a hangover.

            “My head still kind of hurts, but I’m good enough to drive,” he gave into a smile. “Now will you please, please, please elaborate? I won’t even question everything else (as much as I want to).”

            I’d spill, really, I would, but I think I’d have to work out the utter mess inside me first before I could. Or else it’d come out to be a large and long text that goes absolutely no where.

            I turned to my PSP.

            Aleck gave an exasperated sigh.

            “Ivylin Autumn Bell,” Aleck said, biting his lip. He knew he was taking a large gamble by saying my whole name, which I, like some rather cliché people, hated. It was a good thing he was driving, and he knew it, or else I would’ve kicked him in the balls already. “I know you never speak, I’m your best friend. I can read you as easily as a kindergarten book, except this time. Please, just tell me what happened.”

            I’ve been able to read you just as easily, except this time. You could’ve just told me!

            Then again, if he had told me the truth, I guess I wouldn’t have cared as much as right now. How long had it been going on? What about the dozens of girlfriends he’s had?

            Too many questions for now.

            The pickup slowed to a sputtering stop in front of Aleck’s garage and he got out, dashing into his house to find some protection.

            Though, this time, I don’t feel like it. I feel like getting the truth out of him though.

            Be right back…


            “Ah, Lin, did you decide to come eat dinner with me?” I opened Aleck’s door about two hours later. His parents were forever out just like mine (I think they knew each other back in college or some shit and now work together) and the guy didn’t have any siblings. I guess he thought he was safe because I hadn’t acted for such a long time.

            Big mistake.


            I kicked in the balls, just like I said. He instantly fell to the floor, rolling up. If he thought I was finished, he was wrong. I put one knee on his back and twisted his arms back with one arm while the other got my phone, punching in some text.

            “Lin!” Aleck was in positive pain, his face red and his eyes tearing up. I didn’t like this method but Aleck normally never budged unless I did this. 

            I was right about to show him my wall of text when I got a real one.

            I let Aleck go and he scrunched up into a ball.

            I let out a sigh. Life, why do you have to intervene at such a bad time? Now I’ll have to do this all over again later (possibly) to find out what I want. Giving Aleck one last look, I left his house to the park a few streets down.

            Protectors are few and rare nowadays, like Brandon had said. I suppose I’ll have to go into detail of how I’m one, but that can always wait till later. Maybe if Aleck finds out about this, but I highly doubt that’ll ever happen.

            The text I got was from a Protector, the only other one in town, Sarah. She was a rookie though, so she normally texted me to do the job. I didn’t mind. She’d probably get herself killed if she didn’t leave a few of the tougher demons to a pro.

            A couple sitting on a bench. Normal.

            Their jars revealed themselves and I saw the unusual number of hearts inside the guy. It’s not always a male, but they’re just more common.

            The girl, I recognized her as Talia from one of my AP classes, fainted. The demon snickered and was getting up when I walked up to him.

            “Move out of the way,” he smirked and was about to push me aside when he was punched squarely in the jaw. He tripped back, rubbing his chin. “A Protector? Don’t see many of you guys these days. It was a mistake messing with me though. You know who I am?”

            I would if you had a nametag.

            “I’m one of the Aclytes, Richard,” he growled, and a fire began to surround him. When it dissipated, Richard was in his demonic form, sharp horns and all included. You know those demons you see in games? Looks just like him, large, way too buff, and blue. 

            No need to stop time. The road’s empty and trees hid the entire park.

            I clicked on my PSP and double swords materialized into my hands.

            Time for some good old action.

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