PoH Chapter 9

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Author's Note: I need to start writing chapters again....There isn't much action in this chapter. By the way, there are parts that I want to edit so badly, but I'm not sure how to fill in the gap. Aleck's POV is coming up in just a few more chapters, and Lin's going to start speaking a lot more, at least for a few chapters. Wonder what's gonna happen~ So should I keep it like that or should I edit it so that you don't get Aleck's POV (therefore the truth isn't revealed) till much later, but keep Lin's little speaking episode in? Tell me! :D

Enjoy, vote and comment please!

5 votes: July 10

Normality: July 12


I hate the look waitresses give me when they ask me what I want to order and I point at whatever I feel like eating.

            “I moved here just a week ago,” Aaron explained. He had caught on that I didn’t talk and had taken it well. “I’ll be starting school tomorrow.”

            We were standing in line, having just beat the rush (apparent when you looked behind you and saw the long line of people in business clothing) to the Café.

            “So what would you like?” the girl behind the cash register had a nasal voice.

            “I’ll have the strawberry whip cream. Lin?” Aaron asked. I pointed to the menu on the wall. “Vanilla frap for her.”

            After writing down our names on giant cups, we made our way to the counter to our right, waiting. As Aaron talked, my thoughts drifted to Aleck. We were fighting a lot more often now (and I thought the fights we had when we were fourteen were bad) and the results were becoming harsher and harsher. I sighed internally, wondering where we had gone wrong. We were close after all, and fighting was expected, but to this degree seemed almost abnormal.

            Secrets seemed more wrapped up and guarded now.

            “Lin. Liiiiiin.”

            I snapped back into reality when Aaron was waving my coffee in my face. “Let’s eat outside,” he said. “Too crowded in here.”

            I nodded and we fought through the throng of people, stumbling out into the open air. We sat down on one of the tables outside.

            Aaron took a sip of his strawberry smoothie before he pulled a face. “Bleh, too sweet,” he grimaced and swiped my coffee, taking a long drink from it. “Much better.”

            He handed it back to me, smiling.

            We both cracked up.

           “I like sweets, don’t get me wrong, but this is a little too strong for my tastes,” he stuck his tongue out. He fell silent, probably wondering what he should do now.

            I took a good look at Aaron. He had a mop of light auburn hair with brown eyes that, despite dark, still seemed to have a lot of light in them. He was buff, no, not buff, but he looked like he worked out three times a week, since he had some muscles and most likely a six pack (like Aleck). When he stood up, he was just slightly taller than me, around Aleck’s height.

            “There’s still some day light left, you want to go to the mall?” Aaron asked, giving the customary smile. I checked the time. Sure, why not?

            He chucked his smoothie into the trashcan and took my hand, his fingers intertwining with mine as we walked to the mall, close to the Café.

            When we got to the entrance, I guess he realized he was holding my hand and he suddenly turned red. “You don’t mind, right?” he asked. I shrugged. Not really. It’s actually kind of cute that he blushed, and I don’t deem a lot of things “cute.”

            Aaron was still hungry, so we headed to the food court where he ordered from Panda Express. “Not the best, but it’s good enough,” he commented and came back to the table with two take-out boxes. “I’m not sure what you like, so I just got the same thing for you.”


            I slipped my PSP back into my pocket, shoving my headphones back.

            From there, he started mentioning all the games he’s played since he saw my PSP. When we were finished eating (I should treat him next time), we walked through mall, window shopping. Aaron had taken my hand again, leading me around. I didn’t mind and I suppose he thought it was fine now since I had given my approval (or the fact that I didn’t care).

            “Hey, Lin~” Aaron tapped my shoulder. When I turned my head, he was wearing glasses with white swirls on them (like the glasses girls in games). I couldn’t help but laugh and he put them back, the two of us leaving the store.


            Aleck was sitting on one of the benches with a girl, Riley, wasn’t it? I think she has my lunch… anyways, the two were on the bench, Aleck’s hand over hers as the two had their lips mashed together. Their backs were to us but I could never mistake Aleck’s messy muddy blonde hair.

            “Hey, I recognize him from the pool,” Aaron said but I barely heard it. I turned around (in the process making Aaron turn), feeling uncomfortable.

            That’s off. I never felt awkward around Aleck if he was doing something like that. Remember Maddy? Yeah.

            But something bothered me as Aaron, who sensed my discomfort, quickly pointed to another store. That one question that popped up.

            Why did you kiss me then? I hate the thought but… am I just another girl you can carelessly throw around?

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