PoH Chapter 15

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Author's Note: ...I was going to upload today? I completely forgot D: Sorry

Enjoy, comment and vote please!

4 Votes: August 12

Normality: August 14


Don’t make assumptions about me.

            Since I was taking advantage of the whole talking thing, for once, I yelled out to Trent, “Why would you ever tell him that?!”

            I’ve always wanted to do that.

            “Wait, what’d he say?” Aleck had let me go and now was looking me in the eye. I gave him a look because I knew he had heard that and I would not repeat something like that. “Lin, did he really just say that?”

            Still giving him a look.

            Aleck clearly knew it was a yes.


            So began another slight interrogation.

            “Lin… do you like me? Not as a friend, but as…” he trailed off and I seriously thought about it. I had been purposely ignoring it, trying to forget about the entire ordeal because, to be honest, I had no idea myself. It’s a raging war in my head of “do I like him like that or not?”

            My solution was to shrug.

            Aleck looked at a loss, and I didn’t really know what to say. It’s an awkward situation, being asked these questions. I can’t read his mind as easy as his face, so I can’t actually say what he’s thinking. I normally don’t want to know (in fear of what messed up things he may be hiding), but there are those few times when I do.         

            ALECK’S POV

            She shrugged at my question after five minutes of thought. Or at least, I hope she was thinking about it. I know that sometimes when Lin knows the answer to something, she’ll pretend to think about it and then answer with a shrug or a shake of her head.

            An awkward and uncomfortable air hung around us.

            There are days when I wonder why I had to have a best friend that was a girl for multiple reasons, one being feelings. With that thought, I then began to think about, as Lin would say, why we weren’t going out as the cliché couple should be, but of course, after that was what I thought about her.

            Now, Lin was like a sister to me, so, purely based on that, I loved her like a sister (and hated her like one, I’m pretty sure she felt the same way). I had never thought of her in that romantic way, but because I did love her, I classified it as sibling love.

            But if I had kissed her, even in my drunken state… my only thoughts had been, “I love her.”

            LIN’S POV

            Aleck’s a player. That’s seriously his reputation, as well as being one of the three most sought after but unwanted guys in our high school. And he knows it. He basks in the glory of it.

            He gets the same love from me that my brother gets. Nothing more, sometimes less. I don’t give a shit about who he dates or what he does as long as he doesn’t get himself killed.

            Nothing more, sometimes less.

            He crashed his lips onto mine.


            Insert the sudden urge to kiss him back. Then the fact that I did in fact have a few things I thought about when I seriously considered dating someone flashed up in my head (no creeps, no stalkers, and above all, no players). Throw in the scary thought that Aleck was an Aclyte, a racing heart, something that felt incredibly… right, and you’ve got yourself a very confused Protector.

            ALECK’S POV

            I had the impulse of kissing Lin. Just to see what would happen and to confirm to myself the thoughts running through my mind. I felt her unmoving till a few seconds later, when she suddenly began to “return the favor” as Trent had said.

            It… felt right. There was no other phrase for it. I didn’t even have the urge to steal a Heart like I always did. As if I was just a normal person.

            Somehow in the middle of a blank mind, the only thought being, man, I wish this wouldn’t end, came up an extremely old topic Lin had once raised an eyebrow to. No creeps, no stalkers, and above all, no players.

            Hell, she was right when she had once texted me that I practically bathed in the reputation of being a player!

            But of course, above all, no players.

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